Colour schemes
by Sofia - in Interior design
So we have finally chose the colour schemes for the girls rooms. They are obviously big enough to have their say but I did veto unicorn wallpaper or other things that they probably would get bored of in a year. On the contrary to what I had thought, Cotton Candy absolutely wanted a pink room and she wanted wallpaper. Bubble Gum on the other hand chose a greyish light blue paint from Farrow & Ball and decided against wallpaper in the end ( I had looked at a very pretty floral one for her but it is her decision and I love love love the colour we found for her). We are keeping both rooms fresh with the addition of plenty of white. I had first thought it would be a good idea not to share the progress here and just show you the end result but I guess the progress bit is part of blogging. I will have wallpaper in one other room in the house on top of Cotton Candy´s room and I have made some surprising decisions too. I´m feeling very very sad about leaving this house but at the same time I´m so thrilled to be building this new dream. We all know that in the end it will not be as perfect every day as it is in our heads. My part of the walk in closet will have it´s pile of cashmere jumpers starting to lean a little over time and there will be keys and post on the foyer table, shoes will not always find their place inside a cupboard and there will be cookbooks and cooking magazines piling up on the kitchen counter. But I´m still cherishing the thought of this house. At the moment it is at it´s very bare bones. Nothing really worthwhile to see happening there. Yesterday they made a whole on the wall from the dining room to the kithchen and there are no floors in any of the wet spaces. The girls said it looks more like a metro stations than a home. But it will be ready one day.
Hope you are having a lovely day! I´m up to no good with a bunch of Christmas decorations and cinnamon & cardamon powdered Christmas coffee ( love Nespresso´ s new seasonal flavours to no end, I musts tock up on them soon). And do check up on me on Instagram as I just opened a parcel of ” not to be missed” goodies I´m dying to share soon with you here too!