
Gravy bowl

by Sofia   -   in Interior design

Hello my favourite readers! I hope you have been well! All though the end of summer holidays is always slightly bitter sweet as I love slow mornings and not rushing the girls to two different hobbies at the same time and I love spending time with my family I also love the rhythm of our daily life in the city. When weekends feel like weekends and laundry does not pile sky high every time we come home from the island or other travels. Now is my time to concentrate on finally putting the final touches to the new home. It feels like we have not settled in one hundred percent as during the summer months the island is more like the home base where we go every time we have a spare moment and the city home is just a turning spot. But now we have moved back to the city and I feel like we are slowly settling in here. This week the school and hobbies start for good. I still have a week left of my summer holiday ( which is a good thing as my shoulder has not taken well my return to work and is worryingly aching and uncooperative). I´m so glad to have this time off even though it is not spent on ” summer travels” as I love being able to see my kids off to school with a proper breakfast and to be able to be home to welcome them from school. And not to mention the time I have during the day to five and faff around the house.




Some rugs have arrived and we finally decided on the rest of the curtains for the house. Next week we will still be choosing some fabrics and curtain rods but the styles have finally been decided on. Rugs and curtains are not my favourite parts of decorating. I find myself always just wanting them to sort of be something special but then again not overwhelming. I think it would be easier to love either a bit over the top or just very simple. Now I just sort of limbo somewhere in between. But I think I made the right choices. I´m actually doing a lovely Roman blind to Bubble Gum´s room that will be white linen but will have a blue grosgrain or velvet ribbon as a “border” on both sides that will the close up as a bow at the hem. I found a lovely “Lanvin” blue ribbon that I think might either look very very good or be a bit too “uniform blue”. The ribbon shop in Finland does not have the best selection of colours or styles. I was looking for a velvet ribbon in a bit darker blue but it´s either navy or then baby blue so if you have a shop in mind that would deliver and have a vast selection of ribbons and shades please let me know. It would be highly appreciated.




Other than choosing new things I have mostly been enjoying laying out my old treasures. Someone visited our home briefly and said to me they ” now understood why it took me so long to unpack because we have so much stuff”. I´m not really one to purge and all the things we have are here for three alternative reasons. It´s something practical we need and use all the time, it´s something that has great sentimental value or it is something that I truly love and adore. Usually the last part goes to the two former. I´m not really a hoarder but I do love beautiful linen and gorgeous dishes. I don´t really collect anything but I do often end up with pretty cake stands and cloches. Lately I have also noticed that my collection of gravy bowls has grown by two new ( antique ) pieces. And I don´t just have my dishes out for display. We do use them too. And when you have all you need to set up a table nicely it´s easy to turn a simple meal in to a pretty affair. And yes you can also do it with a few white porcelain dishes but these items just make me burst with joy. And why not, now I have a whole butler´s pantry to showcase them in. I feel like I might be the luckiest girl in the world.









Here on top of the gravy bowls was a little peek to the pantry where I also set up a little table and chairs. It´s sort of an office for me. I like to have space for myself for blogging and for planning our weekly lists for comings and goings, for shopping and for menu´s.

Hope you have a wonderful start of the week!

Paljon onnea koulutielle sitä aloitteleville ja sinne palaaville pienille ja vähän isommillekin oppilaille! Arki alkaa, mutta muistetaan nauttia siitäkin!




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6 comments on “ Gravy bowl „
PM, on August 12, 2019

Please, Lattemamma, don’t stop writing! Reading about your life and looking at the pictures brings a lot of joy.

Sofia, on August 25, 2019

Ihana PM <3 kiitos!

Katja, on August 13, 2019

Ihana oli lukea kuulumisiasi ja nähdä uutta kotianne kuvissa. Ihania “gravy bowleja” olet löytänyt. Minun suosikkini on kotonamme vanha 60-luvun Arabian keltakukallinen kastikekulho, jota useimmiten käytän jälkkärikulhona tai keksikulhona kahvipöydässä.

Sofia, on August 25, 2019

Katja, mielestäni on ihanaa kun vanhat astiat ovat käytössä!

Tähtipoikien talossa, on August 13, 2019

Kaunista! Ja parasta, että kauniit asiat saavat olla näkyvillä. Itse olen tuloksetta etsinyt valkoisia jalallisia kakkulautasia/tarjoiluastioita. Joku niissä jalallisissa viehättää. Meillä on myös tapana puhua “äidin officesta”, siksi huvitti tuo, että jollakin toisellakin on oma office 🙂 Tavoitan tuon tunteen saada olla kotona, kun lapset palaavat koulusta kotiin. Muistan lämmöllä kotiäitivuosiani, kun sain tehdä niin isompien lasteni kohdalla. Sitä kaipaan. Ihanaa arkea teidän perheelle! Itselleni arkeenpaluu on aina äärimmäisen työntäyteinen eikä vuorokauden tunnit meinaa riittää mihinkään, mutta ehkä tämä tästä vähitellen tasaantuu.

Sofia, on August 25, 2019

Tähtipoikien talossa, onnea syksyn alkupuristukseen!

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