
Little bathroom

by Sofia   -   in Interior design

Happy new year! I know I know, I sort of disappeared. But now I wanted to hop back here to wish you welcome to the 20´s on Lattemamma as well. Who is excited for a new year?

So did you make any plans for this coming year? It´s a big one for me as I will be turning 40. Yes, you read that right. I certainly don´t feel old and I have heard from multiple trustworthy sources that the 40´s are the best time of people´s lives. So I guess I have ten years of bliss ahead of me. The last decade was such a ride with babies, pregnancy, toddlers, nursery, pre-school and school all crammed in to it. Our marriage turned 10 and my husband turned 40. We moved twice and both times renovated an old apartment from scratch. It turned out well for us. So I guess this decade of teenagers might be either a lot of fun or a lot to handle but I´m pretty sure we can do it as a team and as a family. Besides I have friends around for both experience and for peer support. But first we get to enjoy these years of ” easy” parenting as the girls are independent yet small. I must say I´m truly loving it and embracing it.

As for my hopes and dreams for this big year ahead. Quite honestly my biggest hope is that everyone around me would stay healthy and well. The older I get the more I worry about people around me who get even older. You know how it is. My father is now closer to 90 than to 80. But for myself I really truly hope I would finally learn to not care so much about other people´s opinions. I wish I could learn to have a thicker skin yet keep a good heart. I have been a people pleaser all my life and it kind of makes your life easier in many ways, especially for the people around you but it is sometimes draining as well because we just can´t have everyone love us no matter how much we try and sometimes the harder we try the less they like us or the more draining it is for us. I have been on this mission for a few years now and I´m getting better at it so I guess there is hope for me yet. It´s not about bad self esteem or about being a narcissist, it´s about people pleasing. I really don´t mind making people feel better. Serving others or complimenting others feels very natural to me as I find it very easy to spot the good or beautiful in others or to find what would make them feel better. I just need to find an understanding to the fact that not everyone appreciates it and that some people will never even notice. Even if you find all the beauty in them they may not see it in you. We are just so different as human beings. Why do we care so much what other people think? I wish in my 40´s I won´t. I will however not stop being nice, it´s not the point. Other than that I will enjoy my last 5 months in my 30´s to the fullest. I will do things that I love and take care of the people I love, including myself. I will post pictures of things that make me happy even if someone thinks it´s egoistic or silly. I will make great meals and share them with the people I love. Or share unsuccesful meals, as long as it´s with people I love ( like our New Year´s dinner that was not our greatest success). I have a feeling it will be a great year! I´ll frame art and I´ll finish the decorating of this home ( is one ever really finished, but as far as some previously decided things go). I will do all the things I love like reading books and writing and running and travelling. I will continue to heal my shoulder to it´s best potential. Most of all I just hope for health and happiness. And lots of love!

I know you are always hoping for more picture from our home so here are a few from the girls bathroom. Mainly just the basins. I will try to take more photos from there one day.










I truly hope you have had a great start for this year and that it will be a good one for you! Hope to see you here soon again! I will do my best…


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3 comments on “ Little bathroom „
Anna, on January 15, 2020

Mikä karkki! <3
Onko tuossa alaosassa kaakeli vai onko se maalattu?

Katja, on January 15, 2020

Kiitokset blogipostauksestasi. “Odotuksen tuskaa” ovat lieventäneet Lattemamman Instan ihanat kuvat 🙂 Tosiaan, kun itsekin oppisi tuon ettei välittäisi niin paljoa muiden sanomisista ja muistaisi sen, ettei koskaan voi miellyttää kaikkia. Ihanat yksityiskohdat uudesta kylppäristä.

neds, on January 20, 2020

The kids’ bathroom looks beautiful you have exquisite taste. The whole people pleasing thingy really resonated with me I was doing it my whole life biting my lip not telling people what i thinks just being very timid and scared till one day it all exploded. It was not only drainin and ,exhausting and dare I say it toxic but i felt bullied. Doing things for others especially family, is all well and good even if it is unappreciated some things just need to be done but as you hit 40 as I did two years ago you reach a crossroads and ask yourself Is this who I want to be? I realise people will always talk no matter what your do or don’t do but does their opinion matter or do they care what you think? I suspect not if someone appreciates you and what you do they will understand the word NO and with hindsight a lot of other peoples negativity sometimes stems from jealousy and resentment. Be careful and take a step back from them as they can sap your positivity. I can’t tell how many hours Ive spent googling how not to care what people think..lol but it worked. In the end if your are a good person which you are and much more generous and kind than I would ever hope to be just ignore the rest and keep your distance.Hope you have a wonderful year ahead and awaiting more pics of the new apartment.

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