
Vanity Fair

by Sofia   -   in Shopping

I have been wanting to read Vanity Fair for a while now and I think I most definitely will have to put it up for another classic book vote at our book club as Four Corners Books has such a pretty perfect copy of the classic William Makepiece Thackeray. Or what do you think?


I love that these days a lot of books have really beautiful covers. They make reading even a little more enjoyable and having books by your bedside a great addition.

What are you reading at the moment? I just finished Joel Dicker´s The Truth About The Harry Quebert Affair after Christmas ( I read it in two days as I just had to find out who was the actual culprit) and have now been reading a book from the 80´s, Rosamund Pilcher´s The Shell Seekers that I am absolutely loving. Neither of the books are very recent or on any hot topics at the moment but I can suggest both. They are both my book club books.

Have a wonderful day,


p.s. The book is available on most online bookstores.

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2 comments on “ Vanity Fair „
Anna, on January 12, 2021

Ah, Totuus Harry Quebertin tapauksesta on loistava, luin sen itsekin parissa päivässä. Sen jälkeen olen lainannut kirjaa monille ystävälleni ja kaikki sen lukeneet ovat siitä pitäneet. Tällä hetkellä luen Saku Tuomisen Kaikki mitä olen oppinut hyvästä ruoasta. Suosittelen! Sakun sanoin “kirja on täynnä itsestäänselvyyksiä”, eikä se ole reseptikirja, vaan ennemmin ytimekästä ruokafilosofiaa. Viihdyttävä kirja, jonka joka sivulla nyökyttelen päätäni hyvilläni mietiskellen “ajattelen täysin samalla tavalla!”

Sofia, on January 19, 2021

Kiitos Anna suosituksesta! <3

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