
Happy 2022

by Sofia   -   in Random

Toivon sinulle erinomaista uutta vuotta! Tänä vuonna tekniikka tuntuu toimivan paremmin. Sain joulupukilta uuden läppärin ja oi onni ja autuus kun kaikki toimii sujuvasti ja sutjakasti. Blogimerkintöjen tekeminen helpottui ja nopeutui juuri huomattavasti. Joten toivottavasti näemme todella täällä taas enemmän tänä vuonna.

En taaskaan tehnyt mitään tiukkoja lupauksia uudelle vuodelle, mutta ajattelin antaa sellaiselle ajatukselle tilaa elämässäni, että annan asioden soljua pakottamatta paikoilleen. Katsotaan josko näin elämän huolettomuus ja ilo korostuisivat ja itselleni luomat välillä ehkä turhatkin rajat voisivat kaatua. Olkoot tämä kohtuuden vuosi, mutta myös sallivuuden vuosi. Alla englanniksi vähän tilinpäätöstä edelliseltä vuodelta ja lisää soljuvuuden aiheesta. Vuosi sisälsi ihan hirveän paljon hyviä ja ihania asiota. Hyviä ihmisiä ja hetkiä roppakaupalla. Mutta samalla myös vähän vastoinkäymisiä ja oppimisen hetkiä. Taas vähän vanhempana, viisaampana ja ehkä myös rauhallisempana uutta kohti. Tilaa on annettu nyt ilolle, onnelle, kasvulle, menestykselle ja ihanille ihmisille. Niitä mahtuu! Vastoinkäymisiäkin mahtuu, kohdataan ne hieman hellemmällä otteella ja paremmilla yöunilla. Enää en anna kenenkään muun huolien valvottaa minua liikaa ja omanikin yritän selvittää rauhassa. Minulla kun on ollut tapana mennä vähän tolaltani jo pienemmästäkin vastoinkäymisestä. Ehkä nyt on aika höllätä hieman. En ole kenellekään mitään velkaa, varsinkaan omaa mielenrauhaani. Se ei tarkoita sitä, ettenkö hoitaisi työ- ja ihmissuhde asioitani yhtälaisella kunnianhimolla ja innolla kuin tähänkin saakka.

Happy happy New Year! And thank you Santa for bringing me a new laptop which means a new opportunity for blogging. I hope this year it’s all smooth sailing with my technical issues and blogging can return to something efficient and fun instead of technical hurdles for each post.


I wonder if you made some new years resolutions? I, as you may know, am not big on life changing resolutions. But I did decide to make 2022 the year of going with the flow in many ways. Listening to my body, mind and soul. I love joy in my life but last year brought a time period that I took hard, probably a lot harder than I should have, and I feel like I was sort of robbed out of my joy for a while. I will not let myself be drawn there anymore. I felt mistreated by a person who was going through a rough patch in their lives but still I felt I did not deserve to be treated so badly. If I were a person who did not take things so in to heart or let something crawl under my skin so easily I probably would not even have had to care. But I do and I did. Now I will not give that kind of thing a momentum this year. Although I must say I can’t really see why people always say things like ” you shouldn’t take it personally” or ” it’s not about you, it’s about them” or ” you shouldn’t be so kind and let people treat you like that”. No, I say, enough. It should be ” they should not act like that” or “it’s not ok to mistreat peoples kindness or sensitivity”. And absolutely I understand if someone is having a hard time and they do have my sympathy and support. And obviously from their point of view it really is about them and not me. It does not take away from the fact that I got bruised along the way. Don’t get me wrong, I do forgive as I do understand, I have a lot of empathy. But some things are not so easy to forget. So it’s up to me to not give space to such things in my life anymore. More joy and more people who bring joy is what 2022 has in store for me.

I will also let other things things flow in 2022, I will do what feels right. If I want to have dessert on Monday for lunch then I will. If I feel like doing two exercises in one day I will. If I want to be in my pj´s all day and can, then why not. Rules and habits are great as long as they bring us joy but when we create them for the sake of someone else’s opinion or we have just made them and started following them then they are perhaps not something that bring joy to our lives. Add more good things in every respect but do not eliminate things that bring joy even if they are not always the healthiest choice. Everything in moderation I say. We were having a conversation with someone about people who had said ” I don’t eat sugar or fat after 5 pm or I never ever have carbs” and I felt like I wanted to do something very different. I won’t be drinking martinis for breakfast but then again if I feel like having a glass of champagne once in a while out of the blue then why not.

And let us not forget that life is 100% not all about joy and hedonistic endeavors. I will also enjoy work and making an effort in many things. In fact now that the girls are getting so independent I feel like I have more time and space in my life for professional and personal achievements.

2021 was also filled with wonderful friends, incredible moments and plenty of joy and greatness. Good things in heaps. So I will leave it behind me as a lovely year regardless of some hurdles. I found so much love and understanding and support that I can only look back in awe of the people I have accumulated in my life. I sometimes find it hard to understand how I have such great people, friends and family in my life. And so much fortune that even when flying in headwind I feel gratefulness carry me through it. 

I’m very much looking forward to seeing what 2022 has in store for us all but then again I have a very optimistic feeling about what’s ahead of us most mornings. Every day is a new beginning and a new chance for something good to come along. Let the New Year commence!

All the best,


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4 comments on “ Happy 2022 „
Clara, on January 4, 2022

What a beautifully written article Sofia. Sorry that you encountered some challenges this year. Wishing you so much joy in 2022 and do share your cupcake recipe as they look delicious, I’m all about everything in moderation! Cake for breakfast, why not! x

Sofia, on January 5, 2022

Thank you Clara! I know we all encounter some challenges yearly. I think that what we learn from them is our best take off. Happy New Year!

Katja, on January 6, 2022

Hienosti kirjoitettu! Itse tein ”uudenvuoden lupauksen”, että ”Älä murehdi huomista, äläkä jää kiinni eiliseen”. Lisäksi naurua, iloa ja kepeyttä elämään enemmän. Olen kova stressaamaan ja yritän tänä vuonna oppia rentoutumaan ja olemaan kaikessa suhteessa rennompi, josko se lisäisi iloa elämään.

Sofia, on February 17, 2022

Rentoa tätä vuotta Katja!

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