
Pink pink pink

by Sofia   -   in Random

So, some more pink for you people!

A leftover present bag from little miss Bubble gums birthday.

Pink from little miss Cotton Candy´s closet. I just lifted out some piles. Our laundry quite often looks pink as well. It´s quite a cute sight while drying out.

Little miss cotton candy has come to the age where she has started to ask if she could invite friends for a sleepover. I found these cute cards with a bunch of ideas for sleepovers from Alex and Alexa while I was looking for a b´day present for the girls friend. I ended up ordering one for us too (but they seemed to be out of stock now.)

That´s it for this weeks pink challenge. This challenge originally came from the great Beyond Tea Time blog and I borrowed (stealing with permission counts as borrowing, right?!) the idea from Eirene. I think the challenge was to shoot 3 pink items per week until you run out, but I just ended up with a bunch of pink things every week (as we don´t seem to be at risk of running out any time soon). So if you are a fan of pinkness, pop by on Saturdays for more and remember to check out Eirene´s pink things too!

Tämän viikon pinkeissä seikkailivat siis Purkan synttäreiltä huoneeseen pyörimään jäänyt kaunis lahjapussi, Hattaran vaatekaapista nostettuja vaatepinoja ja yökyläilyä varten hankittuja kortteja joissa on kivoja ideoita pyjamabileisiin. Kiva kun kävit vaaleanpunaiset haasteen parissa taas tänään!


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