Happy with pink
by Sofia - in Random
Tällä viikolla elämä on ollut vaaleanpunaisten kukkasten värittämää, kirjaimellisesti. Tässä kuvia viikon ihanista sävyistä…

Sometimes it´s nice to be reminded. So I taped this card on my magnifying mirror. Sweet peas are my favorite flowers. If we play favorites they win over peonies, roses, hydrangeas, lili of the valley and hyacinths. They just look like a little butterflies and the scent is divine. Just divine. I said it before, but I think that if everyone woke up to the smell of sweet peas in the mornings there would be peace on earth. I keep them in my vanity and on my bedside table.

Hajuherneet ovat lempikukkiani. Ne tuoksuvat taivaalliselta. Suurentavaan peiliin teippasin pienen muistutuksen, jotta aamu lähtisi käyntiin oikeanlaisessa mielentilassa.

Näiden Raw-Bite patukoiden design on mieleeni. Lempimakuja ovat kuvissa näkyvät kookos ja proteiini ( olemme maistaneet kaikkia). Patukat ovat näppäriä välipaloja vaikkapa mukaan lentokoneeseen ( pakkaan itselleni yhden perjantain lennolle Tukholmaan). Ne eivät todellakaan ole mitään laihdutuspatukoita joten sopivat hyvin myös lapsille.

I like the design of these Raw-Bite fruit and nut bars. They are handy if you sometimes need a snack on the go and as they are definitely not any “diet bars” they are good for kids too.

For the island we always pack navy blue and white stripes but in the city we are happy with little flowers and big bows in the hair.

Our favorite is this La Coqueta skirt we got for Bubble Gum. How pretty is this fabric? There is also a bikini in the same color that I think is very cute.
Oikeasti viikkoon on mahtunut myös kiukuttelevia lapsia, nukkumaan menosta taistelemista ja ruokien syömisestä kieltäytymistä. Mutta myös näin paljon ihania ruusunpunaisia asioita ja useita onnen hetkiä jo viikon puoliväliin tultaessa. Kuten kaikki teidän onnittelunne. Vastailen viesteihin heti kun sopiva hetki vaan koittaa. Ensin lähdemme kuitenkin tyttöjen kanssa ulos nauttimaan auringosta. Tänään pääsemme illalla vielä grillaamaan ystäviemme luokse ja lapset saivat ohjeistukseksi pakata uikkarit ja pyyhkeet mukaan, eli tiedossa on ilta pulikointia.
This week has been filled with pink moments and lovely flowers this far ( but in all honesty also cranky and whiny kids who are getting in to holiday mode and think bedtime is for babies only and ice-cream is a food group).

My birthday flowers ♥ . My husband was on a weekend trip with his friend prior to my b´day and I was sure there would be no flowers for me in the morning, but these came to bed with my morning coffee. He had arranged with “his florist” ( the one next to his office he uses all the time, he does not really have a florist per se) that she left her a bouquet in the flower shop and left him spare keys so he could pick them up Sunday night on his way home from the airport. ( And he hid them in the foyer so when I asked where they came from one of the girls said they came in the mail with our morning paper. How funny is that!?) . The thought that went in to these flowers was even lovelier than the roses in themselves and they are some pretty roses.
p.p.s. I was on my way to an ice-cream party my friend hosted for some kids yesterday. I was buying her a little bouquet of Lili of the Valley from a guy on the street when I realized I had forgotten my wallet home. A man bicycling past us stopped and offered to pay for the flowers. I declined but was that not just the nicest gesture?! Who does that? I always bump in to these lovely people. Once it started raining really hard and I was pushing a stroller and had no umbrella. This older gentleman came with his umbrella and walked with me just holding an umbrella over my head until I reached a shop I went in to. There are some good people out there, I´m telling you.

Niin totta joka sana
Ja pop-upiin tulossa 18.6. Ihanaa <3
Kivaa Susanna! Nähdään siellä!!
Ihania ajatuksia kirjoitit. Ja onnen toivotuksia sinulle! Yritän päästä pop uppiin.
Katariina, toivottavasti nähdään myyjäisissä! 🙂
That is the most thoughtful bouquet of flowers ever!
Ita, it was very special <3