
Happy details

by Sofia   -   in Random

Here are this weeks happy little things,  some details from the party…



We were going to add these cute mini chocolate mice on the girls petit four plate but then decided against it as there were three girls and two mice. Now there is a little treat waiting for the girls for a special occasion. But for now we have had our quota of sugar for a while.




I love pink champagne. There is just something so girly about it. And this bottle stopper makes me happy every time. You know I have a thing for bows… But the combo is irresistible!


This bath bomb was a hostess gift for me. As a fan of cupcakes, pink and baths it´s pretty much a perfect present to give to me. Now I only have one problem. Cotton Candy is asking to use it every day. I think I must visit their shop in Soho next time I fly to NYC for some gifts for the girls.




We keep the girls tea set in this pretty box it came in for special occasions only. I´m so happy I have girls. I´m sure if I had boys I would be happy about that too but it is pretty awesome to have someone to share all these pretty things and ideas with.





This super cute book we got from our guests makes all three of us happy! It´s a very positive book. Do you remember Sophia Grace and Rosie from the Ellen Degeneres show? I thought they were just awesome in their pettiskirts and mary janes and hyper attitude ( and talent). And they made a movie later that Bubble Gum loves ( you can find it on Netflix).



I bought these appliquéd napkins from Leila´s General store on my visit to Stockholm. They were just perfect for the tea party. And they still make me happy! ( and they are on sale now so I might have to get a few more…)


Tämän viikon onnen aiheet löytyivät juhlien yksityiskohdista ja ihanista lahjoista jotka vieraat toivat mukanaan. En voi sille mitään, vaaleanpunainen on onnenvärini. Se tekee minut iloiseksi!

Ihanaa päivää!



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6 comments on “ Happy details „
Maria, on January 27, 2015

Teidän teekutsut näyttivät niin upeilta tarjoiluineen kaikkineen 🙂
Onko tuo vaaleanpunainen teesetti lasten kokoa, siis pikkuiset kupit jne? Minulla on “tavallisen” kokoisena lähes samanlainen teesetti kannuineen, mutta vaan sinisenä valkoisilla pilkuilla. Ei ehkä värinä ihan niin paljon pienempien tyttöjen mieleen, mutta itse pidän siitä paljon 🙂
Mukavaa viikonjatkoa ja kiitos taas blogipostauksistasi! Ne ovat piristäneet alkuviikkoa joutuessani olemaan kotona flunssan kourissa (mikä sen parempi syy juoda piparminttuteetä kauniista kupista)…

Sofia, on January 29, 2015

Maria, on pikkuista kokoa. Ei ihan nuken, mutta pikkuisen lapsen kokoa. Toivottavasti paranet pian!

Ansku, on January 27, 2015

Ihania kuvia! Minulla on lapsuudesta tallessa vastaavanlainen teesetti, taitaa olla vain vähän eri väritys. Meilläkin pidettiin monet teekutsut 🙂 Ihanaa alkanutta viikkoa!

Sofia, on January 29, 2015

Ansku, ei minunkaan ollut vaalenapunainen!

Ansk BCN, on January 28, 2015

Voi kuinka hurmaavan blogin löysinkään eilen, kun etsin helpon suklaakakun ohjetta tyttären leivottavaksi! Todella kaunis blogi sinulla, ja kakkukin onnistui mainiosti 🙂

Sofia, on January 29, 2015

Kaunis kiitos Ansk BCN! Ja toivottavasti seuraat jatkossakin! <3

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