Ice-cream floats
by Sofia - in Cooking Party planning
I can not believe I had totally forgotten about this childhood birthday party favourite. Ice-cream and soda floats are so much fun! The newest edition of a Finnish cooking mag ( Glorian Ruoka ja Viini) had a little article about them and we had to make them for our hotdog picnic last weekend. Now I re-created some to take photos and added a sprinkle rim for extra fun! ( The thank you for the inspiration goes here. I think she is yet to publish those lovely photos on her blog but she did it first and I copied her with pride. Loved the idea!) On the mag they suggested making adult versions with alcohol. Like ice-coffee, a cream liquor and vanilla ice-cream, or elderflower juice, ice-cream and champagne. But even these super simple lemonade and ice-cream ones are yummy! And they are super duper easy to make. If you never made them before at parties as kids ( I´m an 80´s child so an ice-cream cake covered in candy and a glass of soda were pretty much the thing everyone served at a kid´s birthday and we just mixed the ice-cream in to our soda glasses) just drop a ball of ice-cream in a glass and pour your favourite fizzy drink on top. I like a nice, real vanilla ice-cream and some lemonade. But you could use whatever rocks your palate! The rims were made using candy melts and sprinkles but you could use white chocolate too ( candy melt just hardenes very well). You don´t need instructions here I´m sure.

Onnen aiheita
by Sofia - in Random
Viime aikoina onnelliseksi on tehnyt lisääntynyt valo ja sen mukanaan tuoma lupaus tulevasta keväästä. Ihanaa! Keväiset värit ovat myös tuoneet iloa elämään. Tällä hetkellä houkuttaa persikan ja vaaleanpunaisen sävyt vaalean vihreään yhdistettynä ja ihanan piristävä sitruunan keltainen…

Thank You
by Sofia - in Good things for kids
My friend gave me a lovely little book called ” Mother To Daughter” and it hosts all kinds of smart ideas to teach your girls. Some are a bit silly, some are a given but most of them are really food for thought. These ideas are in groups from the bonding years to the awkward years to older girls and also about teaching little lessons about money, beauty, boys etc. When I was on a brief work trip and did a bit of browsing through some stores I found myself some pretty new thank you notes with pink envelopes. Then I remembered one of the thoughts on the book. ” Teach her to write thank-you notes. For everything”. I grabbed a box of cute age appropriate thank you cards for the girls too. As a devoted thank you card -sender I think teaching this to my kids early on is important. I think it will be nice for them to place a little card in the cubby of a friend at daycare after visiting a lovely birthday party. We have sent out a thank you letter with plenty of stickers attached to it by post after a playdate with Cotton Candy earlier, but these cards are pretty cute for that too. And as we all know when we open the mail and something else than bills arrive we get very excited. Even the little kids. And in my opinion we can never say thank you too much!