Baby Blue Kangaroo
by Sofia - in Random
I have always loved Trousselier. They made music boxes and mobiles even when I was a little girl. And I always loved loved loved music boxes and still do. The sound is just so soothing almost regardless of the tune. My girls recently received a little addition to the clan of cousins. He is the most adorable little boy. We got him this soft musical box as a welcome home from the hospital gift to keep in his crib and to listen to before falling asleep. Oh how babies make me feel all warm and fuzzy!
How was your weekend? I must say ours was pretty much perfect even if I risk sounding like I´m bragging a little. London was sunny and warm and as pretty as ever. On our first day we walked around South Kensington, strolled from there to Harrods, then Sloane Square and Kings Road and then had dinner and drinks in Soho later on. On Saturday we cruised Covent Garden and found a great little vintage type toy store thanks to my friends recommendation. Then we had lunch in Borough Market and did our grocer shopping for the night. It was heaven to me. Just heaven! That night we cooked together in our friends house and had one of those great dinners where the food and wine just ends up being ridiculously good and the conversation is flowing effortlessly in candle light. Sunday was for meeting more friends and having brunch in Wimbledon Village which is one of my favourite places. It was just the kind of trip we were looking forward to and we came home happy and rested and full of fun memories! It was also the kind of trip that makes you wonder why you don´t take such trips more often. Travelling is always so inspiring!
I wish you have a fantastic week!
Ihanaa alkavaa viikkoa!

Voi mikä ihana viikonloppu sulla on ollut! Meillä vietettiin viikonloppuna esikoisen 15-vuotissyntymäpäiviä. Hui, 15 vuotta sitten olin nuori ja tuore äiti 🙂 Eilen pyörittelin käsissäni pikkuisia vauvanvaatteita ja mietin mitä niille tekisin. Ainakin ne on nopeasti saatava pois käsistä, sillä juuri nuo kaikkein pienimmät ja suloisimmat nostavat tunteet pintaan ja toiveen saada vielä kerran nuuhkia suloista vauvantuoksua ja silitellä pikkuisia varpaita. Illan sitten silittelinkin kuopuksen poskia, onneksi nekin olivat vielä “vauvanpehmoiset” 😉 Hellyyttävän kotiintulolahjan saitte viedä uudelle tulokkaalle 🙂
Täti Ruskea, vauvan vaatteet ovat vaarallisia! Ne herättävät niin paljon ihania muistoja! Katselin juuri Lontoossa kun tuore äiti työnsi vaunuissa ihan pikkuruista vauvaa ja mietin kuinka ihanaa se oli. Molemmilla kerroilla. Oih!