
Birthday girl

by Sofia   -   in Random

Every year I get surprised at how it is possible that it has been so long since the first time I saw my baby girl and became a mother. I became something I had always wanted to be. I have such fond memories from that day! Yesterday was time to celebrate our little girl again on her sixth birthday. Her dream was to ride an elephant and that came true a few days earlier. For her little gift here on holiday she got a pretty bracelet with elephants and turquoise ( her favourite colour) glass pearls. We also got her a cake delivered to our room before breakfast so she got to blow out some candles. At dinner she had a surprise private magic show ( it was a huge hit) and some more cake with singing after dinner. All in all she had a wonderful time and her day ended in a foot massage ( which seems to be their new favourite treat).


Yesterday on her birthday Cotton Candy learned to swim. What she may not remember is that she was a good diver already in baby swim school.

Sweet Cotton Candy,

You give so much joy to our lives.

You are such a smart girl but every time you learn a new skill, like writing, you get so excited about it. I love your enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge. Always asking questions and questioning the answers.

We can find you drawing pictures for everyone you love all the time. Your drawings are so wonderful we have a hard time deciding which ones to keep and which to recycle. We may end up drowning in pretty drawings.

You are the greatest big sister always helping out, lending your hand and looking after your silly little sister. 

You are a fun friend to everyone and you have a very strong sense of right and wrong.  You don´t leave friends out and that is why you have so many. You always invent games to play and you are very rarely bored. You think of your friends and teachers and what they like and if you see something they love you will want to get it for them.

You craft wonderful things out of anything. You just see the world as one big craft supply store.

You love goofing around with your friends but are a little reserved with people you don´t know. You don´t let anyone hurry you in to doing things you are not sure about. I love that about you!

We love you to the moon and back ( and yes now you want to know everything about the moon and I will have to get you all the facts just to get it all right).

Happy birthday Cotton Candy! You make our lives so sweet and rich and full of knowledge and wisdom…


p.s. I loved how we were reading my old Peanuts book about what good friends are for and on one page it said  ” Good friends do your homework for you if you don´t know how” and you said  ” No mom, that is absolutely not allowed! If you don´t know the answers you have to learn them!” It says so much about you 

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8 comments on “ Birthday girl „
Niina, on November 26, 2015

Ihana kirjoitus! Onnea kuusivuotiaalle ja kuusivuotiaan äidille! <3

Sofia, on November 26, 2015

Kiitos Niina <3

Marttta, on November 26, 2015

Onnea 6-vuotiaalle syntymäpäivän, ja Onnea Äidille ja Isälle vanhemmuuden vuodipäivän johdosta!

Sofia, on November 26, 2015

Kiitos Marttta <3

Johanna, on November 26, 2015

Onnea kaikille asianosaisille! Kirjoitus olisi hyvin voinut kuvata myös meidän viisivuotiasta (samoin ilmaisu “silly little sister” pätee hyvin myös meillä…).

Sofia, on November 27, 2015

Kiitos Johanna!

Katja, on November 26, 2015

Kuvauksesi todellakin pitää paikkansa! <3 Onnea Hattaralle eilisen johdosta! Me täällä sateisessa Suomessa huomioimme hänen päivänsä ajattelemalla häntä. <3 Paljon halauksia sankarille ja muutama myös Purkalle!

Sofia, on November 27, 2015

Kiitos Katja! Olet ollut kovasti ajatuksissa täällä ( ota tästä mamma kuva Katjalle! kuuluu koko ajan) ja näimme ihan oikeita pöllöjä elefantti safarilla ( niistäkin on sulle joku kuva, en kyllä uskaltanut mennä ihan lähelle kun ne mulkoili niin vihaisesti)! Tytöt lähettävät halauksia takaisin!

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