Buns for breakfast
by Sofia - in Cooking
Olipas ihana joulu! Olimme myös olleet kilttejä, koska pukki muisti tuoda myös meille muutaman lahjan. Hattaran kovasti toivoma ompelusetti pääsi heti joulun jälkeen kokeiluun kun pikkusiskon enkelihiiren siivestä lähti täytteet tursuamaan ulos. Näppärästi pienet sormet ompelivat siiven kasaan ja oli ihana nähdä onnellisen pikkusiskon ilme ja ylpeä isosisko. Yritän ehtiä jossain välissä jakamaan meidän suosikkilahjamme myös täällä!
Jouluaamussa parasta on tuore pulla, kahvi ja takkatuli. Koti on siivottu, kauniita kukkia on jokapuolella. Hyasintit ja kuusi tuoksuvat ja lapset kuorivat mandariinin toisensa perään. Oma sieluni lepää puhtaassa ja siistissä kodissa vaikka se kuulostaakin aika kliseiseltä. Mutta en usko, että kukaan ei rakastaisi sitä tunnetta kun kaikki on paikallaan, sängyissä on puhtaat lakanat, pyykkikori on tyhjä, silitettävien pino suoritettu ja tiskit tiskattu. Hanatkin kiiltävät!
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! We had all been good and even got some presents from Santa. But most of all it was nice to just be with family. Unfortunately a few of us were a bit under the weather but nothing plenty of napping and some medication would not cure.
We traditionally bake the Lucia buns on the 13. of December that is Lucia day. The dough that comes out of my recipe is so large there is always plenty to freeze. I used to bake buns the night before Christmas to have fresh ones for breakfast but since last year I decided that these will do. I defrost them and warm them and they are like freshly baked as I freeze them right after they have cooled down. I always make a large bag to bring to my parents too so they can enjoy fresh saffron buns with their morning coffee. These have quite a mild taste really, they are not that sweet. So they are perfect for a breakfast bun in my opinion. Nothing beats an early Christmas morning waking up in a clean home that smells like a fir tree and hyacinths and lighting up the fireplace and having coffee and fresh buns in front of the fire. I love cozying up in the mornings and wondering around in my robe just enjoying an orderly house. No laundry, no ironing, no dishes. No children´s books lying around where they don´t belong and no hair bows or little Babar figurines on my night table. Everything right where it belongs to and fresh flowers everywhere and candles burning around the house. The kind of thing that make ones heart feel in peace.

Haluan toivottaa sinulle rauhallista ja tunnemallista joulua! Kiitos kaikista kauniista kommenteistanne koskien joulukuun kirjoituksiani, ne ovat tuoneet minulle iloa ja joulumieltä! Olet ehkä huomannut, että olen lisännyt yhden joulukappaleen joka päivä. Tämän soittolistan olen avannut kuunneltavaksi Spotifyin kautta. Löydät sen täältä.

Christmas style
by Sofia - in Shopping
Do you like to get dressed up for Christmas? I love choosing an outfit. For the longest time I have been looking for the perfect bauble skirt for myself. I love the classic Carolina Herrera and Oscar de la Renta style but often the bauble skirts on the market are just too short for my liking ( they look great on killer legs!). But finally I found mine! They had two very different fabrics that I loved so I ended up getting both. As I have a wedding to attend to in January I decided to debut the other one for that and bought a pair of statement earrings to match. The other skirt has this amazing very dark, almost black, navy blue base colour with gorgeous big flowers that look like they were painted on it. It´s not necessarily something I would normally turn to but for some reason it spoke to me. Somehow it reminded me of the lovely floral fabric dresses and skirts one of my style icons Aerin Lauder often seems to wear. So this skirt gets to be part of my Christmas outfit. The other skirt has very fresh light & emerald green, white and navy stripes on it and will be absolutely gorgeous with a crispy white shirt. The good part of a bauble skirt is that on top of looking good with high heels it also looks very lovely with ballerina flats. Which is always a good thing especially if you tend to dance in to the morning or want to wear it for a dressier lunch on the town or other daytime function. I´m very tall so I often feel a bit too dressed up in heels in the middle of the day as I tend to be towering above most people. This does not bother me at night time events at all.