Missing a pair
by Sofia - in Random
I promised to start writing about housekeeping and wanted to start off with a very good, easy and useful idea that at least works in our house. I know we are all sometimes anxious about the weirdly missing pairs for socks. First of all, if you open up a little part in your washing machine you may find that it actually does” eat” the occasional sock. Some small items get sucked in with the water and we have found children´s socks in a kind of an sieve there ( I have no idea what it is called in either Finnish or English, just something we check every now and then). But mostly the socks just loose a pair in the laundry basket and it comes out in the next load of that colour or it may be found hiding somewhere else.
So a long time ago when I got tired of trying to find matching pairs of socks I came up with a very simple solution. All the socks that have a pair are obviously rolled together so when you take them out you always get two socks. We keep all the girl´s socks in one basket under the other girl´s hanging clothes and then undies in one on the other girl´s side ( as for these they wear the same size). So on the side where the socks are I added an extra basket. All the socks that come from laundry and have no pair are put in that basket. No socks without a pair are allowed in the bigger basket. And every time we add a single sock in the smaller basket we check if it would have a pair there. If it does, and most often it does, it gets rolled together with it´s twin and moved to the bigger basket. I´m telling you it works like a charm. And if there is a single sock that never seems to find it´s pair then after a while we say goodbye and throw it away or use it for crafting something. No more weird single socks and no more trying to find a pair for single socks in the big basket.

The girls ankle and knee high socks in the big basket, Bubble Gum´s tights in the smaller basket and the lonely socks in the white box. ( the baskets are from Ikea)

I really need to make a trip to Ikea and get two more of those smaller white baskets. On the other side in Cotton Candy´s closet is also one of these white boxes that holds the ballet outfits. You know it´s one of those things that you get kind of blind to after a while and stop seeing until you see them in a picture.

Knit and purl
by Sofia - in Good things for kids
Hattara on ollut kovin innostunut käsitöistä viime aikoina. Onneksi, koska omat käsityötaitoni eivät ole mainitsemisen arvoisia. Äitini on kuitenkin taitava käsityöhommissa ja on opettanut Hattaralle kaikennäköistä. Hattara toivoikin joululahjaksi omia ompelutarvikkeita ja sopiva setti löytyi Tingelingistä. Olin nähnyt siellä tällaisen Moulin Rotyn ompelusalkun jo kauan sitten ja onneksi niitä oli edelleen valikoimissa. Se oli erittäin mieluinen lahja!

Bonpoint Fashion Show Live
by Sofia - in Good things for kids Shopping
If you are a Bonpoint fan then you may want to know that their Winter 2016 fashion show will be streaming live at 4.30 p.m. CET on Wednesday 27th ( tomorrow) on their website www.bonpoint.com. You can also see a version of the coming summer´s collection´s runway on the site. Plenty of clogs, straw hats and some ponchos too. Did you know Bonpoint is turning 40 years this year!? Here you can watch a video from their Studio.
Bonpointin talven 2016 malliston muotinäytös näytetään ensimmäistä kertaa livenä Bonpointin sivulla huomenna, eli keskiviikkona 27.1. klo 17.30 Suomen aikaa. Itse olen silloin vielä töissä, muuten katsoisin sen mielelläni. Yllä myös kuva Bonpointin studiolta. Bonpoint täyttää tänä vuonna 40-vuotta ja heidän studioltaan on nähtävissä myös video täällä.
Hyvää päivää ( itselläni on tänään kolmen latten aamu, mutta niitähän sattuu)!
Have a good day,
Lattemamma xoxo
photos from Bonpoint