

by Sofia   -   in Random

What a great fun weekend it was! On Saturday night we rented the Kung Fu Panda 3 on Apple tv, made some candy melt popcorn to snack on and went to bed early. On Sunday we spent the afternoon at the amusement park with friends and had the best time there too. The weekend was relaxing and it was fun in just the right balance. Today I´m off to Tallinn for the day with a friend. Just for some good girl talk, some lunch and obviously a quick visit to Jacadi.

I assembled us ( you & me) an inspirational board of thoughts that is almost all in pink hence the pinkspiration. Hope it gets you through the day sufficiently. If not, have a vent(i) cappuccino and think of me when you do. A good drink always makes you feel a bit better! If it´s a coffee in a pretty take away cup then even better! ( I bet this cup would make all the difference in your mood!) 

Pinkspiration Collage

Enjoy your week!


p.s. If this post made you feel icky then check this out as that is what your Monday may feel like. It´s a thing! But remember there is always a Tuesday… and initially a Friday again!

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2 comments on “ Pinkspiration „
Katja, on August 29, 2016

Tämän inspirational boardin voisi lukea itselleen joka aamu ihanan kahvikupillisen kera. Luin taas kerralla kaikki postauksesi mitä en vielä ollut lukenut. Kiitokset päivän piristyksestä ja ihanaa kun jaksat pitää näin laadukasta blogia, juuri sellaista joka on minun mieleeni 🙂 Ihanaa Tallinnan reissua ja hyviä löytöjä Jacadin liikkeestä (itsellänikin aina must kohde Tallinnassa piipahtaessa).

Sofia, on September 8, 2016

Katja kiitos <3 <3 <3

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