
Happy thoughts

by Sofia   -   in Random

The first weeks of September flew by in a ridiculous speed. Usually that happens when I´m working a lot but I have had a few days off and then I was on sick leave with that horrible flu for a few more days. I also tried to find some time to do a little “party planning workshop” at a women´s cultural event my sister in law put together. It was a great experience although I was a little short on free time and always think I can fit one too many things on my plate like playdates and going through my closet for things to get rid of to make room for new clothes for the season. So the flu and being forced to stay in bed for a few days kind of threw me off my game a little there but luckily I seem to have pulled everything off just fine ( I had planned the actual lecture frame earlier on so it was mostly just fine tuning and baking some props). It was actually nice to lie in bed and watch Gilmore Girls ( I have seen the whole thing at least 3 times already but it´s one of those series you can re-watch after some time) on Netflix and to read some books for a day or two. I did not however take my camera out so much so I made you a happy thoughts collage of pictures from my phone. I hope you don´t mind…


My happy thoughts from left to right and top to bottom…

A Monday morning moment of calm in the house. Having my coffee in candle light with the only sound in the background being my washing machine whirling dutifully. As the Stellar girls commented on Instagram, it´s one of the cosiest/ homiest sounds in the world.

My baby Bubble Gum matching her iPad perfectly. Her big sister wanted to go the her grandma ( my parents in law who had some of the cousins there too) for a sleepover on Friday so we only had one child for one evening. It was a different kind of fun. She got to watch the iPad ( obviously) as her sister was not taking up part of her “screen time”.

Being sick in bed also means having to stop for a minute to just be and read. ( And I have been compiling a ladies Fall /Winter clothing blog post that is a bit time consuming but I think you´ll like it!)

Pretty candy day candy we picked up with the girls. It´s still sitting in the kitchen as there was some baking and we forgot the candy… Next weekend!

Are these fall flowers not the prettiest?! I love the fading colours so much!

So here is a happy thought… After wanting and needing an over the shoulder/ cross body handbag for a longer time now I finally have a new baby.

Some cookies and cupcakes I baked as props and then to be eaten after the workshop I hosted. I took some photos with my dslr of these cookies as there are some cute designs ( I stole with pride from others). I´m sharing those soon.

Choosing the handbag was a process but I´m very very  happy with my Trotteur.

My party planning workshop is written in this pretty little journal my friend brought for me from France this summer. The mood board I made for the workshop amongst other props were my tangible Pinterest board there.

The Magnolia bakery´s vanilla cupcakes with my favourite cream cheese frosting. Sweet but good. Old school cup cake good!

The girls were very patient the whole weekend and saw all the baking and cookie decorating they were not allowed to participate in or to taste from so when I came home from the workshop on Sunday I put them in a bubble bath and while they were bathing I arranged a surprise night tea in their room. They were thrilled and had the tea in their pj´s eating cookies and sharing a cupcake too.

The movie treats are from a week before when we had a Saturday family movie night watching Kung Fu Panda 3 and eating a little sweets and some popcorn.

Then there was the happy thoughts infused trip to Tallinn with a friend. We basically went for lunch and Fall shopping at Jacadi. I found the softest corduroy pants for the girls as well as some shirts, sweaters and pj´s.

I also found the prettiest boxed wine I ever saw and had to buy it solely for the design. It´s Californian Zinfandel Rosé called Blush and I have no idea if it is any good but if not it can always be used in a risotto.

I also found the most amazing hydrangeas there in the flower market in old town. They are now cut to a smaller round glass vase but they were so majestic!

I was trying out some new nail polish shades for the fall. These are from Lumene and I´m loving these shades now.

The vintage rose colour goes perfectly with my new wallet by the way…

I had a friend over for her birthday tea one night and it´s always a happy thought. Sharing thoughts over tea and giggling.

Bubble Gum dressed in a pretty dress for day care. It was on the hand me downs pile as the sleeves are getting a little short but she found it there and insisted it needs one more season in her closet and I think she was right!

The prettiest Friday flowers I picked up a few weeks back. I loved the mixture of boysenberries and wild looking flowers and the scented mint. Gorgeous!

I´m wishing you a very “happy thoughts”-oriented weekend! My husband is going to a yearly guy´s golf trip and I´m catching up on some work so the girls are going to my parents house for a sleepover. They are always so enthusiastic about it. It makes me happy as it seems more like a pj party than having to go somewhere as your parents are busy bees. I love that they have such close relations with both grandparents.


p.s. I hope to have that Fall fashion post ready for you next week so stay tuned!

p.p.s. If you click on the photo a few times you can see the pictures a bit bigger and better…



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6 comments on “ Happy thoughts „
Anna, on September 9, 2016

Ihana kuvakollaasi!
Ja todella kaunis väri sekä laukussasi että lompakossasi.
En ole jostain syystä onnistunut kommentoimaan puhelimen kautta aikoihin..syytä en tiedä. Blogia olen kuitenkin seurannut ahkerasti.
Kuulasta syysviikonloppua!

Sofia, on September 20, 2016

Kiitos Anna <3 ja samoin sinulle! Ja onpas kummallinen tuo kommentointijuttu, täytyy selvittää!

Täti Ruskea, on September 11, 2016

Kauniita kuvia! Ja aivan ihana idea tuo pyjamaherkkuhetki kylvyn jälkeen. Tuollainen ylläri olisi kiva järjestää 🙂 Itse kahlaan myös Netflixissä läpi Gilmore girlsejä, tosin vasta ensimmäistä kertaa elämässäni 😉 Olen myös ollut huonossa kunnossa, joten se on ollut oikein sopivaa ajanvietettä ja ajatusten saamista vähän muualle. Oheistuotantona on syntynyt pino pipoja uuden löytämäni neulekirjan ohjeiden avulla. En tiedä kumpaan olen enemmän koukussa, Gilmoren tyttöihin vain puikkojen heilutteluun 😀

Sofia, on September 20, 2016

Täti Ruskea, toivottavasti voit jo paremmin!

marttta, on September 12, 2016

Hei Sofia! Muistaisin että olet joskus leiponut ruusun makuisia macaronseja. Itse olen nyt tehnyt kuoret, ja kaapissa odottaa ruusunterälehdistä tehty hillo. Löytyykö sinulta ohjetta tai vinkkiä täytteseen? Koska kuoriin en saanut ruusun makua (en edes yrittänyt) toivoisin että täytteessä ruusun ihana maku maistuisi. Kaunis kiitos jo etukäteen ja aurinkoista syksyä!

Sofia, on September 20, 2016

Hei marttta, en muista enää mitä laitoin niihin macaronseihin. Löytyisikö hakusanalla macarons blogistani? Aurinkoista syksyä sinullekin!

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