
Excited for right now…

by Sofia   -   in Random

… Lately my attention was caught by…


A traditional Christmas time drink glög designed by a Finnish chef Hans Välimäki. This year´s non alcoholic version is pink and includes rose, rhubarb, strawberry and spices. I really liked it! I think the spiced wine in this recipe or similar could be substituted for the glög. Mixing a tatin with a glög is very seasonal right now.

The movie Café Society. Have you been to see it already? I love movies by Woody Allen and am looking forward to seeing this one. I just have not had a chance yet.

I´m also liking this book. It´s an easy, light and interesting read. I have it on my phone as an iBook. Great for travelling for example.

Have you seen this exhibition? I´m dying to go… I think renaissance art is so beautiful. It´s on until the beginning of next year so go soon.

I absolutely need this Rose night table cream by my bedside. Can´t you just see yourself putting it on your hands last thing before putting your night light off?!

I´m liking this combination of pink and darker red flowers or berries at the moment. It feels cozy and warm yet sophisticated. and I actually found such pretty cut hyacinths that are now on my bedside table and the scent is intoxicating and makes me incredibly happy!

The blog post from Bubble Gum´s birthday is almost ready so you get it tomorrow! Tomorrow also marks the last day of work before my winter holiday so yippee! I will hopefully end work a bit earlier on Friday and I will most certainly have a glass of bubbly this weekend!

Have a great day!





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4 comments on “ Excited for right now… „
alan, on November 3, 2016

tuo Cafe Society leffa oli pettymys ja mitäänsanomaton, eli itse en siitä pitänyt ja loppukin oli ihan kökkö

Sofia, on November 21, 2016

Voi harmi alan. No en ole vieläkään kerennyt sitä katsomaan, että ehkä en nyt niin harmittele sitten.

Aava, on November 4, 2016

Crazy rich Asians oli viihdyttävä lukukokemus. Sopivaa hömppää kiireisen syksyn sekaan. Samanlaiset kukat inspiroivat minuakin juuri nyt <3

Sofia, on November 21, 2016

Aava, se oli kivaa luettavaa.

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