
Looking back

by Sofia   -   in Random

There is always good reason to look forward but before the blog heads to the new year I wanted to recap the old one. It was not the most amazing year in my life to be honest. We had some serious health scares in the close family and within our close friends and all in all in the world in general many things could have gone a little differently. I must say that in your mid to late twenties and early thirties there is a time when each year brings something very exciting and new to many of our lives. We get engaged, we get married, we get pregnant and we have babies. We buy new apartments and we land dream jobs. But then comes a sort of a lull. New exciting things happen daily of course. We witness the growth of our children and the growth of ourselves too, but in general the changes for many of us are not the “highlights” of life generally speaking. But then all the more reason to look in to the everyday life and find the great little moments from there. In 2016 my firstborn started school. She has done tremendously well ( not only academically but also as a wonderful little person) which is something to be proud of and to count as a highlight. I was asked to be the godmother not only once but twice this year which means some of my friends actually find me close to them or as a good role model. A definite highlight and honour. Our baby has grown in to a little 5 year old girl who´s sweetness and kindness pulls our heart strings every day. But this year has brought fun little things and bigger things to remember too. We have had many fun trips together as a family and with friends. I have seen new places due to work too which has been fun and I can be grateful for these chances. We have been skiing with friends and made a longer trip to a sunny destination as a family. We travelled to the South of France to cruise around on our friend´s yacht and I had a girls trip to London. I was in Paris with my mom and Cotton Candy. I think there might have been something else too but I forget. So happy for all the great memories made on all these trips! I cooked with my girls and baked with my girls. I crafted with them and surprised them on many occasions with little parties and playdates. I celebrated a ten year anniversary of meeting my husband and I think I told quite a few people how happy and lucky I am that I did. I got to spend another fine year with friends and family, with amazing work colleagues and with my two little girls who make me so happy every day. I had some fun blog collaborations I´m grateful for. So all in all it was a great year. I feel like I started many things that will get finished this year. I sincerely hope they do. And I hope you guys tag along for this for a fantastic 2017.

Here are some moments from the blog from last year ( from every month but in no particular order)…



Does look like I got on to something else than just lying on the sofa watching Netflix. I hope your year looked as pretty and was filled with as many sweet memories as mine. 


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4 comments on “ Looking back „
Susanna, on January 2, 2017

Ihana kirjoitus taas Sofia! Tästä tulee hyvä vuosi :).

Sofia, on January 12, 2017

Kiitos Susanna ja näin uskon minäkin!

Karkki, on January 4, 2017

Olipa ihana kirjoitus. Varsinkin tuo kohta kuinka nuorempana jokainen vuosi oli huikea uusine jännittävine juttuineen ja nyt sitten ilon aiheet ovat hieman toisenlaisia, kolahti. Hieno ajatus ja pohdinta 🙂

Juttu on myös hieno muistutus siitä, että raskaiden aikojen keskellä on myös paljon iloa tuottavia, ihania juttuja. tama itse asiassa onkin yksi syy miksi pidän sinun blogista niin paljon. Se oikeasti piristää minua suuresti.

Olen varma, että vuodesta 2017 tulee hyvä elämänmakuinen vuosi <3

Sofia, on January 12, 2017

Kiitos Karkki <3!

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