
Happy thoughts

by Sofia   -   in Random

I had a flu this week ( again) so I was bed bound the beginning of the week ( and most of our weekend trip skiing too which blowed). But I felt better by Wednesday and had a spa day with my friend. So luxurious. I think we just need to treat ourselves every once in a while. Relaxing with a friend is always a happy thought especially if you get pampered at the same time. I also had my hair done this week, which may not be the ultimate pampering but I always enjoy it and I love the feeling of having freshly coloured highlights.



I went to a launch party on Thursday which made me happy as my friends launched their new business, Ask Scandinavia, a baby bag company. So excited and happy for them! If you would like to read my interview on their site you can find it here. Other super inspiring parents interviewed there too so have a look. And that quilted navy blue diaper bag is calling my name. One more baby?


Then I met with an old friend from my teenage years. It was fun catching up. We laughed with tears in our eyes but also talked about some more painful memories. And she had photos! I know people often say ” oh to be young again!” but I´m pretty glad the teenage years are by. Luckily we have grown past those and learned a lot. And kept the good memories.


I was also happy to just be home with my family. Making everyday foods ( salmon poached in the oven served with mashed potatoes anyone?) and reading the same old bed time stories. Helping with home work and washing muddy puddle stained gloves. It sounds like a cliché but all that can turn in to something special when you realise it´s the dream you hoped for and now you are living it. Obviously I light up some candles for atmosphere around the house and spice the bedtime stories up with some delicious tea with that special honey but it´s still the same old dream that I´m living. It makes me happy. It makes me content.


That lime & pistachio mousse shown on the cover of the Elle mat & vin- magazine was pretty good by the way. And I love the pretty colours on the cover. I got some pink and white tulips with it for a fresh spring feeling in the kitchen. The Fairy Cakes-cup was a gift from my husband. He had had a business lunch in a place that also had an interior shop. He said that when he saw it it made him think of me and he had to get it for me. I thought it was so adorable ( even if the cup is a tad kitch) and now I like to drink coffee or cocoa out of it. 

Have a great weekend!


p.s. I also had a very horrible mood on Monday, I slept poorly, I had a stuffy nose & a headache. My muscles were aching. But I had to take the girls to gymnastics. While Cotton Candy was doing her thing Bubble Gum and I waited. Little miss B poured her bottle of water on the floor not once but twice. I may have sworn ( accidentally) the second time around and gotten some eye brow raising looks from fellow moms ( I secretly frown upon myself too but it just slipped my tongue). So no, I´m not always in a candle lighting happy mode. If you felt like my life sounded too icky. But these were supposed to be the happy thoughts not my irritated thoughts. I have those too. Bad days as well. Like we all do. Those that are only funny as an afterthought. Not when you are yelling at your kids or barking at your husband. No one is perfect. Luckily we all know how to say I´m sorry and luckily most of us have people around us who know when to take a step back and just let you be. Or hand you a big glass of wine or a bar of chocolate.


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4 comments on “ Happy thoughts „
Jenni, on March 24, 2017


kiitos ihanasta kirjoituksesta! Voi kun sitä aina muistaisi kiinnittää huomionsa niihin arjen suloisiin ja innostaviin asioihin. Kaikilla meillä on niitä hyviä ja huonoja päiviä, oma asenne taitaa olla se, mikä ratkaisee.

Aurinkoista viikonloppua toivotellen!

Sofia, on March 29, 2017

Kiitos ihana Jenni <3!

Katja, on March 30, 2017

Kiitos tästä “ps.postauksesta”, se oli ihanan lohduttava.

Sofia, on March 30, 2017

Katja <3

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