Opettajien lahjat
by Sofia - in DIY projects
Tänä vuonna päiväkodin opettajat saivat pienenä kiitoksena rasialliset donitseja ( jaoin kuvan jo osana kollaasia viime viikolla). Syötävät ja juotavat lahjat ovat mielestäni hyviä koska opettajat pääsevät niistä nopeasti eroon, eivätkä ne jää roikkumaan nurkkiin ( koska meillä kaikillahan ei ole mm. sisustustuotteiden suhteen ihan sama maku). Printtasin kortit täältä. Muutamana ensimmäisenä vuonna lahjojen keksiminen oli minusta todella hauskaa, mutta tuntuu, että uusien juttujen miettiminen vaikeutuu joka vuosi. Koulun opettajat saavat vähän erilaiset lahjat ( rosé viini, kaunis rusetti, suloinen kortti on tämän vuoden voittaja konsepti) koska emme itse ole läsnä kevätjuhlassa ja donitsit pitää kyllä noutaa juuri enne lahjan antamista, jotta ne ovat tuoreita. Voin muuten kertoa, että kahdeksan laatikollista donitseja levitti ympärilleen aivan järkyttävän hyvää tuoksua. Himoitsen donitseja vielä näin viikkoa myöhemmin.

Can we talk about swimwear just for a little bit. I like bikinis, I do. But I usually find a one piece even nicer. And not only for the cover up purposes people often think one pieces should be used for. I think they look amazing on fit people too. Whenever I´m looking for a basic article for my cupboard I usually turn to J. Crew for it and for swimsuits they deliver big time this year. Here are some favourites ( and for you bikini lovers, they have a very wide selection, as for adult rash guards too).
Pretty perfect! I´m loving all the stripes, the long sleeved one and the blush looks amazing on the model ( I would probably look nude in it as that is pretty much my skin colour… unfortunately). That navy is so classy and the red one is so ladylike. The electric blue is not my favourite colour but the style is probably the most complimentary. Most of the models come in many colours, some in d & dd cups and you can also choose a longer torso. Brilliant!

Happy Weekend
by Sofia - in Random
Some photos from my phone since the longest time. As always, from left to right and top to bottom…
This year for teacher´s appreciation gifts we gave a box of donuts with a tag that said ” we DONUT know what we would have done without you… thank you”. I found the printable tag online. The pretty lacquered ballerina shoes from Bonpoint were a second hand buy. My mother´s day peonies were bright pink and so gorgeous. My friend and I had some gelato in Tallinn and took a picture of our pink wallets & my pink phone with the pink watermelon gelato. Because it was too icky cute not to. Those bunches of peonies at the flower market were amazing. Another gelato, this one I bought in Helsinki for my husband. My two seconds off one day when I put my feet up and enjoyed this lemon and mint drink. Some French chocolate at the old market hall deli were we went to shop for the girls candy day treats. New summer canvas shoes from Jacadi. Two gifts for one little friend who turned 7, both girls were invited. The pretty gelato in at gelato ladies in Tallinn. and a pretty door in the same city. Cotton Candy in her gingham pj´s. The pink peonies I brought home from NYC a while back. Just a pretty colour combo in my lap when I took a take away banana mylkshake for school pick up. One of the pretty pastel houses I took a picture of in Tallinn.
Have a very happy long weekend! We have a ballet recital and a trip to the Zoo in plans and then we head south to Hanko for the weekend.