
Happy thoughts

by Sofia   -   in Random

How was your week? I got back to work for a few days here and there but I´m still definitely on vacation mode. I had the best holiday, both in the Riviera and on the island.



I can´t get over how refreshing it is to travel with your friends and to spend alone time with your spouse. It´s so rejuvenating. For me it´s always important that the girls have great plans too and are with people they love and feel comfortable with. So I can relax and enjoy my time without feeling guilty of being away. And the benefits always multiply. Even if it´s just a date night it´s so great to be reminded that you as a couple are just as good as you are a family with kids. My husband and I have been together for over 10 years now of which for over 7 we have had children. It´s still always good to know you are still you.

On our trip I had the most amazing birthday surprise day organised by my friend ( it started in St Tropez and ended in Monte Carlo) . I just enjoyed every moment with a wide beam on my face. On our trip we danced, we laughed, we cried happy tears and silly tears. We ate great food and drank a little too much wine ( but just enough). It was just one of those trips that feel like they lasted a lot longer than they did but at the same time you hoped they would never end. And you come out on the other side loving your friends even more than you did.




Then there was the island. If you have followed my blog for a little longer you already know it is my happy place. And what a pleasure it was to spend the week there with just us four for once. Playing charades, reading books, spiffying up the place and just hanging outside. We baked a lot and cooked great meals. We had sauna & swimming. There is not a place in this world where I breath more easy. Where I am more calm. Doing these slow and even silly things are sometimes just the things we need in our lives.  I often seem to be running through life quite literally. Taking the kids to school, going to the gym, getting dressed, getting to work, cooking meals, whatsapping friends I don´t have time to see, tucking kids to bed and starting all over the next day. Do not get me wrong I love living in the city and I love all the luxurious things around me. But sometimes I just feel the need to not brush my hair first thing in the morning. To drink coffee in pyjamas at noon. To be out of touch. And just to be there for my family and even just for myself. I love reading my book on the sofa until it gets dark and then light again and going to bed way too late. And sleeping in like I have no worries in the world and nowhere to be. Just like it is there.

Hope you have a good weekend ahead of you. I´m catching up with friends in real life. Brunching and such. It´s girl time!


p.s. Pictured is one of the best meals so far this summer. Pan fried white fish with new potatoes, butter, dill & a fresh salad.


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