Breakfast banana split
by Sofia - in Random
Kun aamiaisen kasaa vähän erilailla muuttuu se yllättävän herkullisen näköiseksi. Kuten esimerkiksi tämä banaanista, granolasta, marjoista ja kreikkalaisesta jugurtista kasattu breku. Jos meidän hunajamme ei olisi ollut loppu juuri sinä aamuna kun päätin tehdä tämän, olisin koristellut annoksen vielä pienellä hunajavanalla. Tietenkin aidon ” bananasplitin” päällä pitäisi olla myös hieman suklaata joten tähän sopisi muutama suklaahippu, vähän murusteltua raakasuklaata tai Frangipanin suklaa-hasselpähkinä granola. Meidän tämän hetken lemppari on Primrose Kitchenin appelsiini- cashewpähkinä granola ( joka on myös gluteeniton ja vegaaninen). Primrose Kitchenin myslejä ja granolaa myy mm. Stocka, Ruohonjuuri ja K-marketit ( tänä tieto perustuu vaan ihan omin silmin toteutettuun “markkinatutkimukseen”).

How to make a bandana bun
by Sofia - in Good things for kids
In the mornings we would like to make fun hairstyles and braids with the girls but sometimes there is just not enough time. So we tried something a bit faster but not the everyday ponytail. As bandanas are so in ( still with the second graders) we tried this bandana bun we found on Pinterest. Here are the easy to follow instructions, and do excuse the plethora of pictures but in this case it´s easier for me to show detailed instruction rather than explain how to do it.
Make a high ponytail…

Have a lovely weekend
by Sofia - in Random
Did you have a good week? I have been unpacking at our house, it´s so lovely to be able to move back very soon. Next week in fact! Can you all say hurray for me!
Other than emptying a box after a box I have been able to pick my kids up earlier on a few days. Bubble Gum and I had a lovely time chatting over a cinnamon bun and some coffee ( for me) before her ballet. I love to listen to my kids rambling about their day, their friends, their ( pre)school assignments etc. On another day I took Cotton Candy for ” coffee” before we went back to get her sister ( who actually did not want to leave when I first came to pick them up as she had a game going on with her friend she did not want to interrupt). So we talked over drinks just us ” big girls”. I also had breakfast with two very close friend of mine on consecutive mornings and managed to squeeze in a quick lunch with my husband on two days. So I wasn´t just buried under boxes & piles of unwrapped newspaper for days.
My new favourite breakfast spot is this at the moment. I felt like I walked in to a Stockholm café even though it´s not so far away from where we live. It´s great for a family breakfast on weekends too, I´m sure, as they even have waffles etc. and serve breakfast until 4 pm., but I presume it´s pretty busy on weekends.
And Chicago last weekend. Oh it was just so nice ( and hot)!
♥ Breakfast in bed in Chicago and some cupcake cuteness from Magnolia Bakery. ♥ I found the loveliest book ” Paris in Bloom” from Anthropologie and a pretty pink bath & shower gel for the newly renovated bathroom for my girlies. ♥ Fall glossy mags are my favourites. ♥ A bunch of bowls, cake stands etc. to bring to their places and slowly getting there in the kitchen. I love the weird mismatched mugs for my morning coffee. ♥ Oh and a little sneak peek to our new en suite bathroom. We found most of our components at Domus Classica ( one of my go to stores for anything to do with renovating). ♥ Bubble Gum´s new sweater I brought from J. Crew in Chicago and her going to her favourite spot Kanniston Leipomo. ♥ My yummy breakfast at Kuuma with my company just as yummy and a super happy me the next day in Levain.