
Holiday hangover cure

by Sofia   -   in Random


I have some good cures for holiday hangovers. And I don´t mean the ones that come from sipping too much rosé.

Sometimes getting back to work and school mode may seem hard, so it´s nice to ease oneself to the everyday rhythm. For me the trick is planning a few trips here and there to look forward to. I read somewhere that the actual planning and anticipation of a trip can be as, or even more, satisfying than the actual holiday in itself. So I have some ladies weekend flights booked for London in September with great company and fabulous restaurants to look forward to. We also booked our winter holiday trip to Disney World and Sea World in Florida in January. I have never been to either but my husband has great childhood memories from them and we have been waiting for Bubble Gum to be a little bigger so the trip would make more sense. This is the perfect time to go when they are 6 and 8 by the time the trip comes. If you have any tips for me to either amusement park ( or Miami & Orlando) please leave them in the comments below! This will be a trip made entirely with the kids in mind.



Another great holiday cure is to book some dinner tables and movie & wine dates with my girlfriends and our couples friends. When the schools and hobbies start we easily get sucked in to this routine where we don´t see so much of our friends. So I like to make dinner plans and book babysitters well in advance to know I have something to look forward to. I feel good when I know I have made an effort with friends.



Date nights. Date nights are also great to set up in the calendar or they easily get postponed for something else. I love a classic dinner & a movie date night where the dinner is usually something very low key like our favourite Chinese with the “kitch” decor. But it can be a run together chatting about sweet nothings or a lunch date. We might even try to squeeze in a few nights trip for just the two of us.




Stretching out the island season to late Fall also does the trick. If we can leave on Friday, right after school and return on Sunday night, the weekend somehow feels longer and like a little holiday in itself. This year Cotton Candy´s ballet and one of her gymnastics classes are also on weekends so we will have to see how many weekends we can skip.

What are your holiday hangover cures?

If I´m completely honest I actually love the everyday routines too and sort of look forward to getting back to the rhythm. My only wish is to be able to move back to our house soon and get all the boxes unpacked and all our things back to their places and in use. Most of all I miss my bath tub. I can´t wait for that first bubble bath in candle light after a run. With my cup of tea and some great jazz. Second of all I miss my Kitchen Aid and all my cooking pots and pans and tools. What I don´t miss are my dull knives I never seem to get as sharp as my daddy´s knives are. I love slicing things in his kitchen with his fancy sharp knives.


p.s. I took these photos of the girls on the last night of July after sauna in their pj´s. I just wanted to print these memories deep in my heart but also have something to hold on to in real life. The Petit Bateau pyjamas were a gift from my mother in law so I thought I´d make some of this set in to framed photos for her. I have some gorgeous face shots too. The thing the girls are holding is a kaleidoscope by the way. They had some imaginary secret agents game going on.

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8 comments on “ Holiday hangover cure „
Ita, on August 7, 2017

And yeyyyy for Disney! Really something to look
Forward to!
Happy new school year!

Sofia, on August 9, 2017

You guys too Ita <3!

Karkki, on August 8, 2017

Ou Florida – kuinka ihanaa <3 Osa mun sydämestä asuu tuolla, aina ja ikuisesti. Helmikuu on kyllä ihana aika mennä tuonne, ei poskettoman kuumaa mutta lämmintä. Olimme perheen kanssa Orlandossa kaksi vuotta sitten ja oi kyllä pidimme kovasti. Ja siis juuri lapsen ehdoilla mentiin.
Vinkkinä suosittelen varaamaan liput Disney Worldiin etukäteen. Näin saatte mahdollisuuden hyödyntää FastPass etua eli varaamaan pikakaistalipun niihen must go laitteisiin.
Ja jos vain aikataulut sallii, niin suosittelen matkaa Kennedy Space Centeriin. Koko meidän perheen mielestä paikka oli huikea.

Kiitos holiday hangover cure vinkeistä. Täytyykin ryhtyä tuumasta toimeen ja ryhtyä suunnittelemaan dinner datejä.

Ihanaa viikkoa 🙂

Sofia, on August 9, 2017

Kiitos vinkistä Karkki! Me lähdemme tällä kertaa koulun virallisen loman ulkopuolella Tammikuussa. Silloin siellä pitäisi olla vuoden rauhallisinta aikaa. Kennedy Space Centerissä mieheni kävi ihan muutama vuosi sitten yksinään työmatkan yhteydessä ja hehkutti sitä kovasti. Se taitaa tällä kertaa jäädä toiselle reissulle kun varasimme vaan viikon matkan ( ettei jää liikaa koulua välistä).

Helen, on August 10, 2017

You must watch the Parade in the afternoon where all the Disney characters come out on floats and then stay late for the fireworks. We have only been to Disney pre children but even as an adult , you can’t help feeling mesmerised by it all. We stayed in Clearwater as we mainly wanted a beach holiday, and drove down to Disney for a day and Sea World (my favourite). Busch Gardens is also great. You will have a wonderful time!

Sofia, on August 19, 2017

Thanks for the tips Helen!

marttta, on August 11, 2017

Orlandossa on sunnuntaisin Farmes market downtownin puistossa, jossa myös upeita joutsenia (myös mustia!) sekä tosi kiva leikkipuisto. Famrers marketilla saa aamulla poimituista appelsiineista puristettua mehua, ihania grillattuja maisseja ym. super hyvää tuoretta ruokaa!
Disneyn puistot ovat kyllä ehdottomasti käymisen arvoinen juttu, enkä osaa laittaa paremmuusjärjestykseen, joten jos aika antaa myöden, käivisin jokaisessa.
Disney Downtown on myös tosi kiva paikka, ja sieltä saa upeimmat jäätelöannokset!
Legoland ja Disneyn vesipuistot on myös kivoja, mutta vesipuistot saattaa olla vielä tammikuussa suljettuna.

Sofia, on August 19, 2017

marttta, kiitos ihan mielettömän hyvistä vinkeistä. Farmers Market testiin!

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