Have a beautiful weekend
by Sofia - in Random
Did you have a good week? Busy at work? Well now it´s Friday, yay! I´m going to be cooking a lovely dinner for us tonight ( family requested salad, steak & fries and I will add some warming red wine to that combo for us adults) and then I will enjoy the weekend without any set plans. Take my girlie to her ballet, organise my sweater & scarf pile and go through them with a cashmere comb so that every tired morning I can just pull out a soft and lint free one. I´m suffering from a bit of an extended cold so instead of a run I will probably just take a long walk but if you live in the Helsinki area I suggest you try out this charity run on Saturday.
I also promised Cotton Candy I would take her shopping for her sister´s birthday present. Bubble Gum has wished for a magicians kit and we know exactly where to get her one. Her other request was to go see a movie on her birthday and eat hamburgers. But that is not for another two weeks.
On top of some souvenir shopping for the girls I bought something for us too. I love big white serving dishes and actually carried two home in my suitcase. The pastel coloured treats were just too cute to resist. I apologise for the grainy photos. They are from my phone…

Oh London oh Ladies
by Sofia - in Random
I had the most amazing ladies weekend in London. Meeting dear friends from Singapore and England over a very very long lunch at the Wolesley on Friday followed by some light shopping. We stayed at one of my friend´s house. I felt like I was in a five star bed and breakfast, everything was so well thought out. As they say, it´s in the details. And I enjoyed every single one. And her house is immaculate ( as you can see in my photos!). Then a delicious Saturday brunch at one of my besties ( I got to give some kisses to my handsome godson ♥ ). Cruising around the little villages and then enjoying dinner at the Ivy later on. And what inspirational and wonderful ladies to have in my life. It´s simply amazing to find people who share your tastes and preferences. Here are some photos from my phone…

by Sofia - in Good things for kids Shopping
Tytöt saivat Nona K.lta ihanan yllätyksen, Hummelin sporttisia vaatteita. Nämä aiheuttivat ihan rehellisiä riemunkiljahduksia! Asuihin kuuluu legginsit, pitkähihaiset paidat ja vielä vetoketjulliset pusakat ( legginsejä ja paitaa en löytänyt nettikaupasta). Ihaninta tyttöjen mielestä oli tietenkin vesivärein maalatun näköinen kuosi ja paidassa oleva glitter lanka. Tässä asussa Hattara lähti reippaana tyttönä voimisteluleirillekin toissa viikonlopuksi. Toki minäkin pääsin mukaan leirille yöpymään ( meillä ollaan vielä vähän arkoja, mutta onneksi Kisakalliossa oli äidille ihanat lenkkimaastot ja kuntosali joten sporttiviikoloppu oli molemmille kiva kokemus).