
Happy thoughts

by Sofia   -   in Random

This week was a happy one. Filled with birthday fun and the best part is yet to come as we celebrate the 6 year old on Saturday and with extended family & god parents on Sunday. But tonight I´m going to have some “me time”. First a calligraphy course at the Paper Shop I have been waiting for forever. Then to be followed with a dinner with my girlfriends.

Here are some of my happy thoughts from this week…

These cute baby blue cashmere socks were a gift for a friend . They are adorable and so soft. The sweetest socks ever! And a fantastic baby gift idea. Something the new mama perhaps would not splurge on as there are so many things to get, luxurious yet very useful every day with winter babies. 




Bubble Gum was watching a kids cooking show on youtube one night. She told me she wanted to try out a recipe for granola bars. I gave her the ingredients she needed ( oats, peanut butter, cashew nuts, honey, carob ” chocolate” chips and a pinch of cinnamon). Then she started mixing. She did not remember the amounts needed but we tried out with the consistency and these turned out quite well. We only made a small batch and she insisted they needed to go to the oven but I did find a recipe with similar ingredients later that just go to the fridge. Seeing my kids enthusiasm makes me so happy. 




Cotton Candy saw a unicorn pumpkin on my Instagram feed and wanted to make one herself. This I did not help her with at all. It was all her. I think it turned out very well for a second grader. It so nice that your children find things they love to do and feel comfortable making. It gives them so much pleasure. And that makes a mama´s heart flutter!



I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Näiden onnen aiheiden myötä toivotan sinulle ihanaa viikonloppua! Meillä juhlitaan kuusivuotiasta neitokaista. Kaverisynttärit vietettiin jo viikolla ja niistä on tulossa kuvia blogiin pikimmiten. Ystäväni oli kysynyt Purkalta mikä juhlissa oli ollut parasta ja hän oli vastannut ” kaverit”. Juhlien jälkeisenä iltana myös onnen aiheet- vihkoon hän mainitsi ensimmäisenä, että päivän paras onnen aihe oli kun “kaikki kivat kaverit olivat mun kanssa tänään”. Aika ihana tyttö tuo synttärisankari kyllä on!

 ♥  ♥ 


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2 comments on “ Happy thoughts „
Ita, on October 15, 2017


Sofia, on October 18, 2017

<3 Ita

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