
Mermaid pool party

by Sofia   -   in Party planning

Cotton Candy´s 8th birthday for her school friends was on Monday. She had a flamingo pool party the year before last and it was a huge success so she wanted to do another pool party. She is very in to mermaids at the moment so she picked that as her theme. As we have the sauna & pool area in our building we just rented it out. I had smoothie bottles & straws for the girls for the pool but this time I set up the snacks upstairs for them.

We had ice-cream instead of a cake and Cotton Candy made mermaid bark ( from candy melts & sprinkles) for her guests. She was in charge of the menu so we also served some candy, potato chips, gold fish, cookies and regular sodas. On top of making the bark she also crafted the mermaid tales, from scratch and by her very own idea, for the straws. I only helped with the names. I found the perfect party favours in New York from Sugarfina. Fish & shell shaped ” fruits de mer” candies. I also bought a little bag for each girl with matching tissue paper from there as they were the right colour & the illustration looks like mermaid tale or waves.

All in all it was an easy and super fun party. The girls are so much older now they just take care of themselves. No pre-planned party games needed. They even arranged a spin the bottle for opening the presents. I think next year the party planner is ready to spread her wings and do everything by herself. I will however still be in charge of the family birthday parties for a s long as I can as I love the planning so much.




For the mermaid tales Cotton candy painted an aquarelle paper with the watercolours in the shades she wanted. The she cut them. I wrote on them with a glue pen and added glitter. we attached the tales on the straws with double sided tape. They were even prettier in real life.


Cotton Candy made the mermaid bark from 3 different candy melts and mixed srinkles & sugar pearls. It tasted as good as it looks! Here is the super easy how to.



The prettiest candy, confetti dolci, that can be sprinkled over cakes or cupcakes or ice-cream like we did. It is magical!


To make the transition smooth from the pool to the house I had set the table all ready and scooped the ice-cream the day before ( I just put them back in the freezer in cake boxes). So all I needed to do was to assemble them on top of a cake stand and add candles & the mermaid decorations. When scooped in their little ice-cream bowls we added ready whip and sprinkles for those who wanted.





Have a lovely weekend!

Näiden kaverisynttärikuvien mukana lähetän sinulle hyvän viikonlopun toivotukset   .


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4 comments on “ Mermaid pool party „
Täti Ruskea, on November 25, 2017

Hienoksi on päivänsankari suunnitellut juhlakattauksen! Aiotaan napata idea tuosta “jätskipallokakusta” tämän päiväisille kaverisynttäreille. Kiitos siis ideasta!

Sofia, on December 10, 2017

Täti Ruskea, niin helppoa ja melkein jokaine pitää jädestä!

Katja, on November 27, 2017

Ihanasti toteutettu teema ja upeaa, että päivänsankari on itsekin päässyt mukaan juhlien suunnitteluun ja toteutukseen. Mä haluaisin itsellenikin tämän teeman 🙂

Sofia, on December 10, 2017

Katja tämä olis kyllä kiva teema itsellekin!

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