

by Sofia   -   in Random

Today is the day in our house when we clear out the Christmas tree and the rest and bring in the crispy white tulips. It is the day where we still linger on our holiday moods and enjoy time together with the girls but feel our selves moving towards the new year that just started. 


Did you make some good resolutions? Did you set up goals for yourself? I´m hoping to read more books this year than I did last year. And I finally got round to buying myself materials for my first cross stitch pattern I want to try out. I have never been very good at sewing but always wanted to try it out. I will also keep up some good habits like arranging things with friends and date nights with my husband. Even if we set up one night a month for friends and one night for our relationship it really truly pays off. It sound like a little and usually you do get more time together than that but it is important to keep up with at least that. I love work and I love the everyday life but as I have said for me it is important to see these exciting things waiting for me in my day planner. I love the idea of looking forward to lovely times spent with my loved ones. It makes me happy! 

I also decided to make more “Happy Thoughts” and “If I Could Say” posts on the blog this year. We need more substance and more frivolous happy little things here in good ratios.



This year, 2018, will also include one bucket list trip for me in the summer that I am anticipating with great enthusiasm and another exciting one actually arriving very soon when we do our family winter holiday in a few weeks to Disney World and Sea World. 

I´m wishing you a very happy and exciting New Year!

Upeaa alkanutta vuotta!


p.s. Photos from last summer on the island. I tried to find photos of white tulips on my previous blog posts, I did not find any ( a great reason to take some soon!) but these reminded me of the breezy feeling of the winds of new that I´m feeling and also of the summer and the island that always make me feel so calm and relaxed. The lovely table cloths dancing in the breeze are from Gauhar Helsinki.

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2 comments on “ Fresh „
malviina, on January 3, 2018

Kirjailutyöt ovat ihania. Itsekin ristipistotöitä tehneenä olisi kiva nähdä minkälaisen työn olet valinnut.
Hyvää alkanutta vuotta!

Sofia, on January 15, 2018

malviina, voin laittaa siitä kuvan instagrammiin niin näet mitä aion yrittää ;). En ole vielä aloittanut…

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