
Have a lovely weekend

by Sofia   -   in Random

Just wishing you a lovely weekend  a day ahead and sharing a few things from the past week or two from my phone.

April week

From top left. The girls ready for my mom´s birthday lunch. Peanut & sesame noodles for dinner, so fast, so easy, so good. Feet up for breakfast with a friend. Fruit, berries, yoghurt, honey & granola… my kind of brekkie. A gift from a friend who came to Finland last week. Reading Porter mag in a bubble bath with a cup of coffee after a morning run, my heaven. Leftover gazpacho for lunch just for me. Lemons, lemons, lemons. Sometimes everyday things just end up matching like these kitchen staples. A box of rosé bottles tells the tale of an imminent summer. My mom´s birthday lunch and gifts. Some strawberry malt balls for a playdate. Pea soup with coconut milk and fresh bread, this dinner was cooked by a 6 yr old. When you share a bathroom with little girls you find fancy jewellery on your make up table. a book I found for a friend who loves stripes as much as I do. Pretty ranunculus. New statement earrings, I love tassels. Sauna and swimming with the girlies and cute drinks. New Spring sneakers for school for the girls. Cotton Candy going to ballet. We made hot dogs for dinner a week ago when we had a friend over for a pj party. Pretty Liberty bows from Nona K. With hot dogs we always serve a lot of veggies too to keep it fresh. Bubble Gum on her way to her first piano recital. She did so well. She is wearing a dress from Trotters, her new Spring coat and Mary Jane´s from La Coqueta and stockings by Condor from Youngest Fashion. Old school cute. She even wore a big blue bow in her hair.

Have a lovely weekend!


p.s. Jaoin muuten tuon keväisten kukkalegginsien kuvan Instagrammissa ja sain paljon kyselyitä niiden ostopaikasta viesteihin. Maanantaina kun Purkka oli ystävän synttärijuhlissa Hop Lopissa, ehdin kierrellä rauhassa tekemässä viikon ruokaostokset Ruoholahden Citymarketissa. Kiertelin kaikki osastot läpi ja löysin sieltä sekä nämä legginsit, että valkoiset Converset. Leggarit maksoivat alle 15€! Käyn tosi harvoin marketeissa, mutta niissä on ihana välillä kierrellä ja tehdä löytöjä.


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