by Sofia - in Random
So a funny thing happened! I left for the island on Friday very happily and on the boat on our way here ( it’s about a 45 minute boat ride out from the mainland after driving in a car first…) I suddenly remembered that I forgot the pouches containing both girls undies & socks on their bed. Luckily we had a few bikini bottoms so we’ve managed by handwashing every night. But I also forgot my camera & my computer. ( this sentence calls for the monkey covering it’s eyes emoticon) Suffice to say I really needed this vacation. So we will be coming back to the city a bit earlier. But luckily a lot of island time in store this summer anyway so no biggie.
I have been taking in all the peace & quiet. And all the stripes! And I have been updating the Instagram stories frequently too.
Hope you are having a lovely time!

Mä olen niin kova unohtelemaan kaikkea, että mieheni on tehnyt minulle pakkauslistat eri reissuja varten omansa. Mutta sittenkin saattaa jäädä tavaroita matkasta, esim jos unohtaa eteiseen yhden laukun, kuten meille kävi viimeksi. Oikein ihanaa ja rentouttavaa lomaa!