Hauskaa Vappua!
by Sofia - in Random
Pitkä viikonloppu saaressa takana ja saimme laitettua kaiken valmiiksi joten nyt on kiva aloittaa mökkeilykausi kunnolla. Ensimmäinen kerta talven jäljiltä on aina omanlaisensa puristus, mutta sen arvoinen, koska sen jälkeen saareen on aina ihana mennä. Ehdimme silti puuhastella vähän kivojakin juttuja, saunoa kahdesti, paistaa lettuja ja pelata Monopolia yhdessä. Pidensimme vähän viikonloppua ja tulimme vasta maanantai-iltana kaupunkiin. Nyt sitten voimmekin näppärästi siirtyä vapun viettoon. Tänään ainakin syömme illalla tippaleipiä ja juomme simaa. Huomenna on tiedossa perinteinen vappubrunssi ystäväperheiden kanssa ja tytöt halusivat myös vapputorille käymään. Eli hyvinkin perinteisin menoin etenemme siis.

Hyvää viikonloppua
by Sofia - in Random
Ihanaa viikonloppua! Me suuntaamme veneen nokan kohti saarta. Siellä on edessä paljon puuhastelua kuten aina kun mökkikausi alkaa. Muun muassa petivaatteiden tuulettamista ja polkujen haravaoimista. Tänä vuonna jää olkapään takia raskaammat puuhastelut minun osaltani muille, mutta kyllä siellä riittää myös pölyjä pyyhittäväksi ja paljon muutakin pikku puuhaa on aina talven jäljiltä. Illalla sitten sauna lämpiää ja ai että miten ihanalta se ensimmäinen löyly mökillä aina tuntuukin. Jumalaiselta! Välillä vilvotellaan saunan terassilla ja katsellaan tuttua maisemaa merelle lintujen viserrellessä puissa.
Tänä kesänä saaren rakentuu myös uusi isompi terassi merelle päin. Se on ollut listalla jo pitkään, mutta pakolliset lattia- ja kattoremontit ovat siirtäneet sitä aina vähän eteenpäin. Vaikka, kuten ehkä olen jo blogissa aiemminkin kirjoittanut, voisin hyvin elää nyt ilman minkäänlaista remonttia hetken, niin odotan silti innolla sitä, että saamme vihdoin kattaa hieman isomman pöydän terassille. Syödä siinä illallista ilta-auringossa. Hankkia siihen uuden auringonvarjon ja kattaa pöydälle lounas isommallekin porukalle. Tai ihan vaan hiippailla terassille juomaan aamukaffet.
Toistaiseksi kuitenkin kannan kahvikuppini rantaan siihen omaan lempikohtaani ja katselen merelle ja saan hetken taas olla siinä melkein huoleton. Ihan kuin mikään ei olisi minua koskaan vaivannutkaan. Kuin yöuniani ei olisi ajatukset kantaneet kauemmaksi. Koska siinä merelle tuojotellessani ja lintujen leikkejä seuratessani usein kaikki tuntuu vähän helpommalta, rauhallisemmalta ja kevemmältä. Maailman perspektiivi kallistuu hieman parempaan suuntaan.
p.s. Ihanat kaitaliinat ovat Gauharin ja niitä on eri väreissä saatavilla tänäkin vuonna ja myös pöytäliinoina. Täältä löydät vaihtoehdot. Ne ovat saaressa ihan parhaita koska ovat kevyttä pellavaa. Ne eivät vaadi silittämistä ja kuivuvat nopeasti tuulessa pyykkinarulla raikkaan meri-ilman tuoksuisiksi. Gauharilla on niin paljon ihania juttuja tänä keväänä ja kesänä, enkä malta odottaa, että saan jakaa sieltä saamiani aarteita vinkkeinä myös teille!

Frothed milk
by Sofia - in Interior design
You know what I´m really dreaming of right now. Sipping my morning coffee, the one with perfectly frothed milk on top in the new apartment. I can imagine myself tiptoeing around the house when we have just settled in and gotten everything in it´s place. I will have the coffee cup cradled between my hands and I can inhale the feeling of a brand new apartment that I will from then on call home.
I remember my first days in new apartments very vividly. The giddy feeling of something new and good starting. When everything is still fresh and there are no chips in paint or dents anywhere. No scrapes and scratches. Those that you later on will eventually get and those that will be part of your memories. The ones that annoy you at first but then after a while you don´t see them anymore. Before that. When it´s all ahead of you but all just in place just the way you had wanted to and imagined it. That moment, that feeling is amazing. You can just walk around and think ” wow it really happened”. Because dreams do come true sometimes. Every time I have been in a new home I have thought ” Is this really mine?” ” Did this really happen?” and I love that moment so much. When you feel a little like you are in a dream or a movie and still at the same time you realise it is your life.
It does not mean that you need to have a penthouse on Park Avenue to have that feeling. I felt it in my first own apartment that was 26 m2. It was mine, it looked mine, it had all my things in it. I remember I first went in to the new home after coming from Milan ( I was working there sporadically at that time) and my mom had unpacked for me. She had bought flower boxes and gorgeous flowers for my windowsill. And ( this is a very vivid memory to me) she had bought a small cookbook about ice-cream Sundays with pink on the cover for my teeny tiny kitchenette. It is to this day one of my favourites. It was just so me. All of it. Knowing my mom she had probably lit candles and my dad had stocked the fridge I´m sure. But it was mine. It was not the first time I was living on my own. My brother had had two apartment before that and I had actually lived in both of them. In one when he went to the army I think ( I don´t know why and how he let me). And in one when he moved to Paris before starting University. But this was my very own place. And my oh my what parties, dinner parties, after parties and all sorts of gatherings I hosted there. I made whole three course dinners in that tiny kitchenette and brunches for big bunches of people I think back to now and wonder how.
The first apartment my husband ( then boyfriend) and I had together was also renovated from scratch as was the one that came after that ( that I was living in whilst writing this blog so you know that one well). The first one was in the same building as my first apartment so I sort of just moved one door down. We had old wooden floors that we painted white ( my dream)! I remember walking around the apartment with my bare feet after I had slept there for the first time. It was also the first time I moved in with someone. I had had roommates on my modelling housings many times but it was an always changing stream of us girls sharing apartments, people coming and going and all we had of our own things were the suitcases of clothes and make up we came and went with ( all though I always bought my own sheets and towels). Anyway there I was in the 80 m2 apartment sharing it with this guy I was madly in love with ( we actually bought the apartment after having been dating for about 6 months so I quite literally was just that… not that I´m not in love anymore but then it was the early lovebirds stage). I had come from a work trip and bought a huge bunch of pink roses. The apartment was quite empty as we had not shopped for all of our furniture yet. I remember thinking how lucky I was to have my dream floors. I have always loved wide wooden beam floors painted white ( now we have them on the island!). White floors and pink roses and the man of my dreams.