
Happy thoughts

by Sofia   -   in Random

It´s Friday so it means it´s time to spill the beans. What makes you happy this week? Can I guess? If you live in Finland it´s the summers return! Spring often plays these games with us Finns and comes then winter returns, spring makes an appearance and everyone is besides themselves with joy then it snows again. But summer… well it usually just leaves us and goes. Unfortunately this weather tells us a story that is not as happy as we may think. The story of climate change. But as Fridays are for the happy thoughts we will skip that for now and enjoy the weather and the lovely things in life!

Movie nights! I am the biggest fan of Mary Poppins! I loved the books as a kid and the movie. I had seen it once and then it came on tv but I had to be somewhere when it was on ( before the time of Netflix) and my dad promised to record it to me on a VCR ( yes I´m that old) but accidentally recorded on a wrong channel. The disappointment I felt is still a very strong and vivid memory to me. I later bought the movie as a DVD and my kids love it too. And now my youngest and I have watched the Mary Poppins Returns movie a few times already. Now at times of Apple tv when all the movies are just an easy click away movie nights at home are so easy to arrange. And that makes me happy!




I buy cute candy when I see it and we keep them in a candy cupboard. It´s easy to raid for a movie night if it happens to be on a Saturday. Or we decide the movie calls for something sweet. But we also do movie nights with popcorn or with veggies and dip or just with a cup of tea.




I have followed Chris Jackson on Instagram for a few years now. He takes pictures of the British Royalty, he has been following them around the world for 15 years, and he is my absolute favourite. He has an eye for detail and he seems to always catch those candid happy smiles behind the official faces. His book Modern Monarchy was published about a year ago. If you are at all intrigued by the Monarchy then this is the book for your coffee table. It takes you behind the scenes or at least very close up and the quality of the photography is outstanding. Love!







The girls rain boots came and they are so cute they make me and our little ladies very happy. But I do have one question! When did they grow up to have such big feet? Fair enough they were just a little big for them but my teeny girls have size 35-36 feet. They will probably grow up to be two tall girls. Anyhow bubble gum pink wellies make anyone happy! I feel like I need a pair for jumping in puddles!





Have a wonderful weekend!



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Pumpkin spice

by Sofia   -   in Cooking

Those crisp cool Autumn mornings. Some are sunny, some are grey and rainy but there is that feeling of new beginnings and at the same time the feeling of cozy memories and returning to the everyday life after summers spent without a care in the world. Those mornings when we usher our children out of the door, they run back to catch that umbrella and our thoughts are somewhere between the office and the dreams our kids told us about at breakfast. We dab our lipgloss on by the mirror in the foyer and grab our take away cup and keys and close the door behind us. Then  it´s that first sip of the coffee on the morning commute. The warmth, the caffeine jolt and then the comfort. The comfort of those spices. The little addition that tells us it´s that time of year again. And we can do it. We could do it last year and the year before. And instead of worrying if we will ever make it through deadlines or carpooling our children and their friends to their hobbies we can relax. Every year we have made it through to Christmas and every year came Spring and then again summer. And instead of worrying we can enjoy all the season and all those little things that to us seem repetitive at times but to our children are the days they remember as their childhood. 




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Happy thoughts

by Sofia   -   in Random

Friday, time for some happy thoughts! It´s been a weird week. I have had some issues with my shoulder ( still) and I´m on yet another sick leave from work which is obviously not a happy thought and some other things have been happening around me that were not on the happy list either ( like someone braking in to the attic in our building, the school sending their first warning of lice going around etc…). But I´m going to go ahead and do “me” which is to find the good things in this week instead of dwelling on the not so delightful stuff.

My number one happy thought this week shall be the light in this apartment. It is one of the first things people comment on when they arrive and one of the main things we fell in love with when we saw the place for the first time ourselves. But now that I have been taking pictures for the blog it really really makes such a difference. I don´t know if you think you can see a difference but I can tell you that taking good ( in my standards) pictures is exponentially easier than in our previous home. It did have a lovely soft mood and lighting but I think it´s fair to say it was pretty dark compared to this piece of real estate that took all the light and did not feel like sharing. So photoshooting wise it´s a very happy thought.



I took these pictures on a grey and cloudy day and probably could have added a bit more light to them but in the previous apartment taking pictures on a cloudy day was nearly impossible. This pretty chocolate box was a gift from a friend. I love Marchesi and hope to visit their London shop in September.

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