Happy Birthday Lattemamma
by Sofia - in Random
It has been 7 years since I wrote my first blog post. Back then I talked about a child taking it´s first steps and learning on the way. And boy have I learned. At first I wrote 5 days a week and a post always came out in the mornings. I was still a stay at home mom as Bubble Gum was only a year old. I went back to work about a year later and still continued to write 5 days a week. If you write a blog or have ever tried, it actually takes a bit of effort and time as you have to take pictures, download them and then compose an actual post. But I loved it and still do. Then my kids got a bit older and did not have just one hobby. So I had to start giving a bit of my time to take them to theirs. I decided to post on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I still try to but sometimes it takes me weeks to compose a new post. I will try to do better this year. I noticed than when Instagram took over it sort of felt so much faster and easier to share new ideas there. But it is not the same thing. As I do love writing and sometimes I just feel like a caption is not enough. We need to share on a deeper level. I´m definitely not saying that my blog is a place where people necessarily come to read about something deep and meaningful but I hope you understand what I mean.
Throughout these seven years the blog has had a red string needled through all the posts that I have written here. I´m not sure if you have noticed it but it has always been there. It is what is in the core of my life philosophy. Kindness. I have been a not so secret advocate for kindness and I hope it has somehow rubbed off on you. I have very consciously kept this platform a lovely and sweet place. A few comments here and there throughout the years have tried to provoke a meaner stroke on my pages but I have taken my time and tried to answer them with a mental attitude of ” when they go low we go high”. And as I can surely count the negativity here with one hand, or at most two, I feel I, and you my readers, have accomplished our lovely space of kindness here. There is so much roughness in this world so we deserve a place of happy thoughts where holding hands with your child in the tram or getting your loved one a cup of coffee when they look tired can be considered a lovely thing and not corny or fake. I have found in you, my readers, a group of fellow ladies and perhaps a few gentlemen who share my view of hope that there is goodness around us. I have also found a group that are wise enough to know that a scented candle will not make this world a better place but it can make a moment better. Or that a few lines of happy thoughts read can take our mind of our worries. Make us forget for just one moment. And that is why I´m here. To bring a little reminder of the everyday wonder that is attainable to us all. To give you a place where people are kind and not attacking the way you choose to live. As a friend of mine once said and I may have quoted her here earlier ” Lattemamma is like someone caressing your hair when you are having a rough day”. I find it such a wonderful sentence. As it´s not even an adult hugging another but kind of like the feeling you get when you are a child and someone caresses your hair while you try to fall asleep. It melts your worries away and makes you feel good for moment, peaceful and calm. I hope you find that here. If it´s just good ideas for dinner or for clothes then that is just great too. I´m just glad you are still here. If you have followed me from the beginning I would love for you to let me know!
Thank you so so much for being here and sharing the journey of Lattemamma with me. She is quite a nice lady isn´t she? I wish I could be like her.
p.s. I will be spending this birthday weekend working in Chicago but I will be sure to treat myself to a perfectly pink cupcake from Magnolia Bakery. I might even bring home a few on Sunday to treat those who share their precious time with the blog.
From the very first post!
I found this blog when I was pregnant on March 2013 and searching baby bubbles on internet. Now I and my little 5y lady reading this together <3 The best of the best.
Onnea Lattemamma ja blogi! Kävin oikein katsomassa, koska olen löytänyt ihastuttavan blogisi. Ensimmäisen kommentin olin kirjoittanut 10.9.2013 ja blogin olin löytänyt saman kuun alussa. Monta ihanaa lattehetkeä olenkin saanut blogisi parissa viettää. Kiitos niistä! Olen iloinen, että jaksat yhä kirjoittaa blogiasi, koska kuten sanoit, niin monet blogit ovat tänä päivänä siirtyneet kokonaan Instagramiin. Itse olen ehkä sen verran vanhanaikainen ja hidastempoinen, että nautin yhä enemmän oikeista blogeista pidemmillä kirjoituksilla ja enemmillä kuvilla kuin nopeatempoisesta ja lyhytsanaisemmasta Instagramista, vaikka siinäkin toki ehdottomasti on puolensa. Oman blogini myötä olen todellakin huomannut sen, että vaikka sitä ajatuksissaan tekee hyvinkin nopeasti valmiiksi uuden postauksen, todellisuudessa siihen kaikkeen menee kuitenkin paljon aikaa. Mutta eipä sitä tekisi, jos ei se tuottaisi itselle iloa. Parasta toki, jos sitä iloa voi samalla olla jakamassa myös muille, kuten sinun blogisi tekee <3
Onnea suosikkiblogilleni! Olen ollut lukija keväästä 2013 asti.
Kiitos ja onnea,Lattemamma.On niin ihana lukea kaunista ja lämmintä ja ystävällistä ja ideoita antavaa blogiasi.
Luulen lukeneeni blogiasi melko lailla alusta asti, mutta mistäköhän tänne ensiksi löysin? Jaa-a, enpä tiedä, mutta tiedän, mikä saa mut palaamaan tänne säännöllisesti etsimään uusia postauksia: syy on täältä huokuva rauhallisuus ja kaunis tyyli, joka saa mut aina vähän haaveilemaan… Kiitos siis näistä vuosista!
Hurjan paljon onnea 7-vuotiaalle blogille ja blogin ihanalle kirjoittajalle <3. Liityin seuraajaksi varmaankin joskus 2014, enkä edes muista kuinka tänne päädyin. Olen onnellinen, että blogiisi olen löytänyt. Täältä olen löytänyt paljon kivoja reseptejä, joista osa on ihan klassikon maineessa meillä (kuten maailman helpoin suklaakakku)mutta myös hyvää mieltä ja vinkkejä lastenvaatetukseen.
Tämä blogi on myös loistava osoitus siitä kuinka maailmaa voi katsella niin monelta kantilta ja joskus elämä helpottaa jo sillä kun hetkeksi vajoaa kahvikupin kera lattemamman maailmaan. Kiitos <3
Karkki (mun blogi jos sellaista pitäisin olisi nimeltään Elämää Huvikummussa – sattumuksia ja tahatonta tohellusta)
Kiitos kaikille onnitteluista ja viesteistä <3 <3 <3 !