Sunday best
by Sofia - in Random
Who else has been in leggings more often than not lately? Yours truly at least. I decided that if my roots are now growing out I might at least try to spice up my leggings and cashmere sweater outfits with a silk scarf tied in my hair. I have plenty of pretty scarfs to make me feel better! Also my lovely head bands from Gauhar Helsinki are now making me feel like I look presentable when I´m on some FaceTime calls with friends. You know you look like you made an effort even if the effort was to put something on your head. I know it´s perhaps frivolous but we need some fun and something girly to make ourselves feel better. I don´t know if you do, but I and my girls like it. They actually asked if we could all get dressed up for Friday night dinners and now we do. They even borrowed my high heels ( which I usually don´t let them do) and it was such an uplifting moment after a week in comfy casual.
My girls and I made a list of things we want to do during our time of self isolation and one was that my girls wanted to learn to do different kinds of hairdo´s. If we learn something new we might even try to make a video for the Insta stories for you. Remember this tutorial on the blog? Also home Spa´s are always on the list. And the girls took advantage of working from home and did sheet masks while they had their reading hour.
I hope you are finding the little things that make you feel better. I know a dab of red lipstick won´t change the situation but if it makes you feel better then go for it. You may want to cut your nails short and leave your diamond rings home when you go to the grocery store but you can paint those nails red if it uplifts your spirits and no one says you can´t wear your rings at home.

Voi miten ihania juttuja Gauharilla onkaan. Minulla on kolmet Gauharin korvakorut, yöpaita sekä paljon hiusjuttuja sekä pellavakassi, ainakin nämä muistui nyt mieleen. Yleensä tykkään käydä itse liikkeessä mutta nyt pitää varmaan tehdä nettitilaus, niin ihania uutuuksia. Erityisesti ihastuin noihin irtokauluksiin!
Gauhar on kyllä <3.