Lately lusting
by Sofia - in Random
Hope you have been feeling fine. I´m pretty sure all our lives revolve around the same patterns now. And trying to find the joy in those daily moments that seem to repeat themselves. Most of us are very social beings, used to meeting our friends and family. But I think this situation has also taken a toll on the more introverted persons as well. I´m trying to find the silver lining and one is that at least I´m not social distancing at home alone. Don´t get me wrong, there are moments I wish I did indeed get a moment alone. But I would not enjoy it weeks on end. I´m really starting to ache to physically meet my friends though. On Saturday night my husband and I had drinks with our friends who live in the South of France. They were sipping their cocktails out on their balcony and how I longed to be there. Just closer. I know it´s all for the greater good and we can do this! But I also know it´s good to go through the emotions you are feeling. To grieve even the silly things you miss. But then just let go and carry on, knowing that when this is all over one day you will enjoy those moments and things. You will recognise the privilege of hugging your friends.
There has, for obvious reasons, not been so much shopping going on. But I did order a few things online. Nothing fancy or expensive but things that I need and things that lift my mood a little.
The white shirt dress is from Zara. My friend actually shared a picture of her home office look and I loved her ” shirt” but turned out it was a dress. I love the tuxedo shirt pleats on it. I don´t love the belt but luckily I have a few at home I do love so I will swop it for one of my favourites. I´m a huge fan of shirt dresses and this one will get a lot of use I´m sure. The book was recommended to me by a friend and I ordered it a while back. Still waiting for it´s arrival but it looked so promising. Some island living inspiration for me. One must get to dream a little. And as you must know by now I am a sucker for pretty packaging and products. This soap box is from Sweden. I have no idea if the actual product is any good but I love the look of it and know it will give me joy regardless of the actual soap. If nothing else I will the use it in the kitchen as a hand soap in my pretty white porcelain soap dish. It will actually be my mothers day gift that I know in advance as I wished for it but then the original site did not ship to Finland and I had to ask my friend who lives in Stockholm if he knew where my husband could order it for me and then sent the link further to him.
I hope you have a good day!