by Sofia - in Random
It´s mother´s day here on Sunday. For the first time probably ever in my life I can´t give my mom a hug. I will however bake her something and deliver it behind her door with a poem and a gift.
Motherhood has been a little harder on most of us on this era of social distancing. It has given us time for our children but it has also stretched our nerves as everyone is living in their homes, seeing just their families, juggling school, cooking, cleaning and work. There are some great things that have come to us with this “guaranteed life” but I notice I also raise my voice more often than before as I get so annoyed about a few things. One of them being my kids quarrelling over petty things. I realise this situation is hard on them too and even if they are the best of friends most of the time, they do start to get on each others nerves. Another thing that I notice that annoys me, is that I feel like I´m doing a lot with them, and for them, an yet it never seems to be enough. They get bored, of course they do. It´s just us. At home. I let them bake, I organise art sessions, we go biking, we do mini spa´s and we do movie nights. We play games and we do this and that but still it seems ” We never do anything!”.
At the same time this situation has brought families closer. Dinner reservations are made to the same table each night. No one is late for dinner, no one has a hobby or work. No play dates for children or parents. We have time to listen to each other. And when not that much happens around, the talks get deeper. It´s not about what happened today and more about how you felt that day. It´s a “we”. We can do this. We can do it together. We can be great parents. We are good parents. I am a good mother. I can´t be everything but I am here. You are too. You are doing great!
Happy mother´s day!