Little girls
by Sofia - in Good things for kids Random Shopping
Tänään saattekin tuplana näitä lahjaideoita koska unohdin julkaista sen poikien ideajutun keskiviikkona. Tässä siis oma suosikki kategoriani, pikku tytöt. Nyt näitä koostaessani olen kasannut ne hyvin minä- lähtöisesti. Ymmärrän hyvin, että kaikki tytöt eivät rakasta nukkeja ja prinsessajuttuja ja kaikki pojat eivät leiki autoilla. Nämä ovat vaan yleisiä ideoita ja mielestäni pojille voi aivan yhtä hyvin hankkia nukkeja ja tytöille autoja tai ihan miten vain lapsi itse tykkää. Ostetaan lahjat siis saajan mukaan eikä kategorian mukaan!
Oh you guys my favourite category! Seriously I love shopping for little girls more than anything. I wish mine stayed small forever but unfortunately one is already a pre-teen and the other is growing alarmingly fast too. Can I just stick them in the freezer? Just kidding!
So the slippers are the cutest thing I have seen in a while and I would have immediately jumped at the chance to buy them but they are only left in a size 27 at Melijoe. They are available in other sizes at Bonpoint but not big enough for my girls. If you are so lucky then these are on sale on both sites. They are such a childhood flash back for me, I had something very similar so perhaps it´s part of the charm. But come on they are just delicious and so cozy!
This Jacadi shirt is jersey with a pretty collar in cotton is fit for any princess who likes to dress up a bit. It´s a staple in our wardrobe and they are great quality. So comfy you can wear it do daycare with your leggings or little pants and look adorable yet it´s like wearing any t-shirt.
A doll is most little girls dream and mine like(d) theirs with long hair to brush and braid. The Götz Sophie is such a pretty classic doll. Available here.
I love a book with pretty illustrations and what is better for Christmas than The Nutcracker.

For the babies
by Sofia - in Good things for kids Shopping
Tänään sitten päästään ihanaan vauvakuplaan lahjavinkkien osalta. Yhdellekään vauvalle en tänä jouluna pääse ostoksia tekemään joten saan vain haaveilla näistä ihanuuksista.
I think when we buy gifts for babies we either buy them thinking of ourselves ( as parents) or thinking of their future rather than the likes of the baby as they are not at liberty to express their specific tastes so much. Obviously we know their likes and dislikes to some degree. But when it comes to presents we can sort of pamper ourselves too when it comes to our babies. Buy them cute outfits we love to see them in or things for the nursery we enjoy. Or perhaps lifelong keepsakes we know older children may not appreciate at a certain point in their lives when they actually open their own presents.
So my wish list for a bébé I don´t have in my life but still love to imaginary shop for.
I love a cute onesie that is comfortable enough to nap in my looks great even when visiting someone.
You can never go wrong with a classic book or even a book set. Beatrix Potter is a kids favourite year after year as who would not love these adorable talking animals.
The classic Steiff teddy was already on my other post but it would be a great gift for a special child in your life. The collectible mohair hair teddies are pricy but last from generation to generation and they feel different in your arms, more real somehow. I would know as I worked in a toy shop during my teenage years and I was in charge of the so called ” teddy room” and we actually had a whole room filled with amazing collectable plush toys. These are sold in Tingeling.
A beauty bag is a necessity in everyone´s life and you can keep this one on a shelf as it´s so cute.
Last but not least a baby´s first doll is always a great idea. Corolle is a classic in my life and this one is from birth onwards so perfect for the newborn in your life as most dolls are actually recommended from 18 months onwards for some reason.

For little boys
by Sofia - in Good things for kids Shopping
Jos saisin toivoa niin tämä vesisade voisi muuttua vaikkapa lumisateeksi ja pitäisin mielelläni koko joulukuun ainakin maan kauniin valkoisena. Jostain syystä minulla on tunne, että se valkeus ja sen mukanaan tuoma valo ja kauneus toisivat vähän positiivista tunnetta tänne vallistevan tilanteen keskelle meille jokaiselle. Lueskelin aamun Hesarista muun muassa glögitestin tuloksia ja totesin, että ehkä nyt on hyvä hetki viikonloppuna aloittaa myös glögikausi. Siinä on perjantai illan drinkkihetkeen hyvä juoma ja glögi löytyy helposti alkoholittomana lapsille kaupasta. Itseasiassa pidän itsekin alkoholittomasta glögistä, mutta joskus on kiva maistella myös näitä ns. oikeita glögejäkin. Mutta nyt siis poikien lahjavinkkejä. Olin tosi ilahtunut kun huomasin, että Tingeling oli avannut nettikaupan. Itse tykkään visiteerata liikeessä kun asumme tässä keskustassa ja siellä saa aina niin iloista ja ystävällistä palvelua, mutta tiedän, että monia lukijoitani tämä tieto ilahduttaa.
This is by far the hardest category for me. I´m really not the best at this as boys are not my forté. I do have two godsons though so I will try! If you would be so kind as to add a few ideas for me and my readers at the comments. Actually for our other godson we usually get something golf related as it´s close to my husband heart and he plays and for our other sweet godson we collect wine that will have some value when he grows up as he happens to have a cellar where to store them. I also love to buy books for all my godchildren. My absolute favourite is included here. It´s also a great choice for any friend of yours.
I´m not sure how excited little boys are of soft parcels but this jumper is such a classic. The book I am always raving about is The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse from Charlie Mackesy and it´s available in English as well as in Finnish & Swedish. I think many kids love musical instruments and a harmonica is a classic. It would also be good for an advent calendar surprise. The Maileg mom & dad in a cigar box are great for imaginary play and they just got in this mouse in a race car that we saw in the shop. It´s very cute. And my 9 year old daughter liked it too. And as most boys I know love to play with cars this classic yellow cab might make them feel like little New Yorkers. The last three items are all available in the new Tingeling webshop.