

by Sofia   -   in Random

Today I am lingering over on last weekend. Knowing it´s a new week but somehow unwilling to let go. For no other reason than that it was so exciting and relaxing at the same time. Somehow just a perfect little weekend to hang on to.

I went for a long walk this morning with a friend. The weather was so indecisive. It rained, then the sun was shining, gusts of wind that almost blew us over and then the sun was warm on our backs again. Such beauty in the foliage turning red and orange. When the rays of sun land on those piles of leaves or sieve through the trees I always feel so very happy. I love our Monday morning walks when we briskly move through our city talking of nothing and everything. It´s almost therapeutic. Listening too. It´s the best start for a week to get some fresh air and movement. I have a pilates class on Monday nights so a run or the gym always feels a little much. But a long power walk to start the week is perfect.


As you may have already noticed I came here without anything to say really, just airing my thoughts that seem sparse and slow today but somehow like that weather on my walk. Like lovely golden rays of sun landing happily on the ground with a soft mist around them.

I hope you have a lovely day!


p.s. I have trouble loading my own pictures from the camera on the blog. So you get phone photos for now.

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