Have a merry weekend!!!
by Sofia - in Random
Toivon sinulle aivan ihanaa viikonloppua! Itse aion ainakin käydä äitini ja hänen ystävättäriensä myyjäisissä ja ystäväni kanssa Havenissä perinteisillä jouluglögeillä takkatulen ääressä istuskelemassa.
I wish you have a great great weekend! I´m looking forward to visiting my mother´s and her friends Christmas fare and also sitting down by the fire and having some glög ( sort of mulled wine) with a friend.
Muistakaa kaikki ottaa osaa Papershopin arvontaan ja olisin tietysti hurjan iloinen jos jaatte linkin vaikkapa ystävillennekin! Arvonta päättyy sunnuntaina! Olen tullut niin hyvälle tuulelle ja joulumielelle kommenttejanne lukiessa! Suosittelen tätä hempeää jouluterapiaa myös muille! Niin ja onhan kaikilla joulukalenterit jo odottelemassa maanantaita?!

Mini manicures in pink
by Sofia - in Party planning
Tänään vielä muutama kuva minimanikyyribaarista, tyttöjen juhla-asuista, pienistä kiitoslahjoista kotiinviemisiksi ja kutsukortista…
Yesterday I shared our Hello Kitty party with you but today I´m still going to share a few details more. We did not have any games or such for the party as we have noticed kids this age still just enjoy playing with each other. But I did make a mini manicure bar where we painted the girls nails in two different shades of pink, they got to choose sparkly nail stickers, add some cupcake lipgloss and spritz a little Hello Kitty perfume on their hair. As I´ve said before I´m not a huge fan of little girls primping in this way but mine do love love love it so a birthday party was a great excuse to do a little pampering.

Hello Kitty birthday party
by Sofia - in Party planning
Earlier this year I was asking the girls what themes they would like for their birthdays. When they both said “Hello Kitty!” in unison I decided to throw a mutual party for them. I have to say I was a bit surprised as Hello Kitty has not been the favourite character in our household for a while, but who am I to question the motives of 3 and 5 year olds. First I thought I would do a very simple and stylish Hello Kitty party ( maybe a bit something like this one). But then time went by and I started to gather ideas from Pinterest and the party took a whole different route. As I was just talking with my friend, with little people it actually seems that more really is more and the more there is the more magical it feels and looks like to them. So I went all out pink and colours and crazy Hello Kitty stuff. Both girls invited a few girlfriends over and then we had the godparents with their kids and obviously the cousins, so a couple of boys came too. But they did not seem to mind all the pink around. But trust me when I say this. There will not be a lot of pink happening in our household for a while. I´m embracing the Christmas season to the fullest now. Abundance of white sounds about right right now. After all the baking and sugar and butter and pink frosting I thought I might turn in to a cupcake myself and had to soak in a bubble bath for extra long times to return in to a woman again. But who am I kidding. I love love love baking for my girls and their little cousins and cute friends and I adore throwing birthday parties to them. Especially when by the end of the day the girls told me it was the best party they ever attended ( and some guests had requested for a party do-over ). Anyway here are some photos from the bash if you´d like to see. As always I was fighting both time ( as I wanted to have the cakes etc. in the photos but did not want to put them out too early before the guests arrived) and the lighting challenge ( it already gets darker at 3 pm in Helsinki now). Why are the girls not born at summer time?
Tässä nyt kuvia tyttöjen 3- ja 5-vuotisjuhlista. Teema ei todellakaan jää varmasti epäselväksi! Tytöt olivat niin onnellisia juhlistaan, että kaikki vaiva oli aivan varmasti sen arvoista. Jaoin vähän myös omaa taakkaani ja aloitin leipomalla pikkuleivät paria päivää aiemmin, kuppikakut sen jälkeisenä päivänä ja kakkupohjat paistoin ja koristelutkin laitoin valmiiksi juhlia edeltäneenä päivänä. Kakun koristelun ja muut viime hetken asettelut ja naposteltavat hoidin sitten juhlapäivänä.