
Happy thoughts

by Sofia   -   in Random

Miten kauniisti aurinko onkaan hellinyt meitä viikonloppuna. Piirtänyt aamuisin keittiön valkoisten puukaihdinten läpi raitoja seinien kaakeleihin. Hymyillyt meidän kasvoillemme leikkipuiston penkillä kun suljimme silmämme ja kuuntelimme lasten leikkien iloa. Läikehtinyt kuppimme reunoilla kun istuimme hetkeksi ruokakaupan eteen asetetuille tuoleille nauttimaan vastapaahdettua kahvia ja valtavia suklaakeksejä ennen viikonlopun ruokaostoksia. Se vilisteli lempi ruokakauppamme mustavalkoisella lattialla ja seurasi meitä koko matkan kotiin. Aamulla se kiipeili untuvapeitolla ja kuiskutteli korvaan, että on aika taas nousta. Mutta ensin vielä hetki pyjamassa, pieni pää molemmissa kainaloissa kyhnöttämässä kunnes pappa muuttuu kiipelytelineeksi ja mamman on aika nousta aamiaisen valmistukseen.

What an incredible sunny weekend it was in Helsinki! We went to the playground with some friends and I can´t tell you how glad we were to finally put on our mid season outer wear. We still have the pretty sorbet coloured coats from Racoon from last spring that fit super well so we just bought some bright coloured pants to match. My kids look like the selection of an Italian Gelateria. Pistachio and lemon with some bright raspberry and sweet strawberry. Happy and fun colours! A lovely dinner at a friends house on Friday night was just what the doctor ordered. Kids jumped on the parents bed and made summersaults from the windowsill. Also happy and fun. On Saturday I took the kids grocery shopping with me in Anton & Anton. We started by buying cookies and coffee and sitting in the sun for a midmorning snack. After that buying groceries was much more fun! So it has been about fun really for us. And just enjoying the great weather to the fullest. Parks and evening runs. Now we are waiting for the big table and chairs to come out to our courtyard so we can do our first outdoors dinner there. Always a treat! Here are some other things that have made me happy lately…

This avocado & mint scented candle is beyond amazing. It´s fresh and delicious. My favourite at the moment. I keep it in the kitchen but sneak it in the bath and put it on our tea tray too as it´s kind of addictive really.




I´m loving the trend of fabric covered books at the moment. It just makes a book feel so much more like a keepsake. I got two pretty ones from Cozy Publishing as a gift through the blog. The other one is for healthy vegan breakfast choices like chia puddings and smoothies and different nut milks and making your own plant based yoghurts and such. The other one has simple home food recipes. Good classics. These are both great reads. I´m especially inspired by the pretty pictures of different nut milks. I´m yet to try making my own but that will happen very soon. I´m also looking forward to some new books I´ve ordered for myself on Amazon. Great to get some more inspiration to share with you as well!




I have also found some new beauty products I wanted to share with you. The super collagen mask from Mario Badescu is amazing. Truly! It´s the funny “green clay”- kind that dries on your face and makes it easy to scare your family! But when you wash it of there is nothing scary left. Pure bliss! And the famous drying lotion is great. I, like many of my fellow ladies, get a few hormonal spots on my chin once a month. Tea tree oil is great but this stuff is a miracle worker. The pretty white and gold bottles were a gift from a reader who has her own organic cosmetics line Mia Höytö cosmetics. I think the brand is so pretty and classy and love that it´s organic too. And Finnish which is always a great thing! The names are brilliant too. I received a hand cream called “cotton wool” and an eye cream called “light”. Love these! 








So there you go, lots to be happy about. The sun, the spring in the air, nut milks with hints of vanilla and honey and lovely scented candles. Oh and soft glowing skin. And that light in these photos. The soft evening sun. I missed you old friend.

Auringon lisäksi onnen aiheina siis myös huumaavan tuoksuinen avokado-minttu kynttilä, herkullisen näköiset ja inspiroivat keittokirjat kauniilla kankaisilla kansilla ja toimiva, sekä kaunis kosmetiikka. Laitoin eilen illalla manteleita likoamaan veteen yön yli joten kohta aloitan mantelimaidon valmistamisen “Hyvää Huomenta” -kirjan ohjeella ja aion myös valmistaa itse mantelivoita. Myös muutama muu samantyyppinen kirja on saapumassa postin mukana luokseni. Muun muassa tämä ja tämä joista olen jo haaveillut jonkin aikaa. Niistä ammennan toivottavasti uutta inspiraatiota myös teillekin tänne blogiin.

Ihanaa alkavaa viikkoa!

Have a fabulous Monday! A quick run in the morning sun and a hot frothy cappuccino will carry me nicely to the new week.


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