
Oh coffee you had me at hello

by Sofia   -   in Random

I know I sound like I´m more of a coffee addict than Lorelai Gilmore herself when writing about coffee so often. But then again I think the name of the blog kind of gives me the right to do so. I wrote to you about my collaboration with Nespresso here. I´m still so in love with my Latissima touch. The only bad thing about it might be that now I probably drink even more coffee than before. I do try to keep my guilty pleasure in check though.

Nespresso came out with new limited edition flavours for the Fall called Palermo ( with flavours of pepper and cocoa) and Milano  ( sweet and fruity) and as in my humble opinion no one does coffee like the Italians do, I was very excited to try these. Have I told you that I get sent a few tubes of coffee every now and then? They arrive to my house by a courier in a matte black box. Very chic. The boxes are called love boxes. And yes, I am in love. I´m really a sucker for a well thought out brand but especially if the product is as good as the brand. And in this case I think it is. Anyhow, the new Italian flavours are rich and strong and every bit as Italian as I wanted them to be. Although they are designed to be drank as espressos or actually even ristrettos ( half the amount of water from an espresso) they also make great cappuccinos ( or cappuccos as the Milanese call them) and lattes. Absolutely worth a try before the Christmas flavours hit the stores. And remember these are limited edition so you may want to hurry with your order before they run out.








By the way, last Friday while the girls and I were cooking dinner my husband came home from work. He called from the door and said ” You are so going to love me tonight!” and as I went to greet him he handed me a huge bouquet of lilies and a big box filled with my coffee fix he had ordered earlier. Then he went on saying ” I actually think I know which gift you are going to love more.” and passed me the box of coffees. I guess I´m officially past being coy with my love for coffee ( and the handsome delivery guy is just a great bonus). 

Have a great weekend!

Kahvihöpötysten myötä toivottelen ihanaa viikonloppua! Onko sinulla jotain kivoja suunnitelmia? Me viemme tytöt lauantaina serkuilleen yökylään ja lähdemme viettämään ystävän synttäreitä illallisen ja Elastisen keikan merkeissä. Ystävämme on varannut meille aition joten tiedossa on varmasti super hauska ilta! Kiva lähteä pitkästä aikaa isommalla kaveriporukalla ilman lapsia ulos. Kuuntelin Elastista vähän etukäteen Spotifysta, tässä ehkäpä iltaan sopiva kappale. Ehkä tästä Nykin jetlagistäkin on sen verran hyötyä, että jaksan valvoa yli puolen yön!


p.s. I have the Nespresso CitiZ take away cup thermos. It´s absolutely the best one of it´s sort I have ever had. No leakage and it keeps my drink warm.. although I have to admit that the longest it ever stays in that cup is probably about 15 minutes. But it should last for several hours. And I think it also looks good which is a big bonus.

Tämä blogipostaus on tehty yhteistyössä Nespresson kanssa.

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4 comments on “ Oh coffee you had me at hello „
Liina, on October 9, 2015

Nespresson termosmuki on tosiaan todella hyvä (katselen sitä työpöydälläni tälläkin hetkellä). Onko sinulla tietoa, mitkä ovat Nespresson joulukauden erikoiskahvimaut? Viime vuoden hasselpähkinä oli yksi suosikeistani.

Mukavaa viikonvaihdetta!

Sofia, on October 12, 2015

Liina, en valitettavasti tiedä kyllä etukäteen, mutta odotan innolla. Joskus ajat sitten oli kardemumma ja kaneli, ne oli niin ihanat! Toivon niitä takas!

Taika, on October 9, 2015

Kiitos vinkistä, anoppi on etsinyt toimivaa termosmukia, ja pääsen nyt loistamaan hyvällä suosituksella ;). Meilläkin ollaan Nespresso -koneen faneja, haimme näitä erikoismakuja juuri viime viikonloppuna ja ihastelimme taas heidän konseptia. Tykkään muuten tilata paljon asioita netin kautta, mutta Nespresson myymäläkokemus on tehty niin mukavaksi, että siellä tulee usein asioitua ihan livenä. Hyvää viikonloppua!

Sofia, on October 12, 2015

Taika, mäkin tykkään heidän boutiquesta!

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