
Happy thoughts

by Sofia   -   in Random

They are back to stay! I can´t believe it´s been so long since my last happy thoughts post. They are my favourites to compose here. So what has been making you happy lately? I think it´s so important we look back on our lives every so often to see what little or big things, material or not have been making us feel a bit brighter and thankful. My happy thoughts were getting daddy ( the girl´s not mine) back from a long business trip. It´s so nice to have someone to help out with the pre-school run and teeth brushing. And to have someone with warm feet to tuck your toes under in bed. I had to wear socks in bed for a week. Soft cashmere but socks never the less. I prefer it this way.

So on top of that I have been happy about my mom helping me out so so much! I would make a lousy single parent. My mom is the best and as I know she reads my blog… THANK YOU MOM, YOU ARE NOT ONLY THE BEST MOM BUT THE BEST GRANNY TOO! The girls adore my mom ( they adore their other granny too but she was in Cuba last week on a well deserved vacation).

And hey one last happy thought could be that there is more light outside. A lot more than a week ago and next week there will be even more. Watch out because soon I start counting the weeks until island season… and then there were these material happiness makers…

Who dos not love to get something as a souvenir from a trip. I´m picky with my perfume and my lingerie so I like to get something maybe a bit less romantic. Not less romantic in my eyes though. Like a ceramic cake form that just screams ” bake a pretty cake to have with your tea!”. My husband knows that if it comes from William & Sonoma it´s most likely something I will love and use. ( I can literally hear voices in my head going… ooh a zesty lemon cake… wait a lavender infused cake… no lemon! I´ve gone cake crazy!)




Meyer lemon may just be one of my favourite scents in this world. And as I love my kitchen, especially with shiny countertops and smelling nice, this was a particularly romantic gesture to me. Now I need to clean my fridge with this spray to make it smell like Meyer lemons too.




Tulips! It´s a sign of spring in a way no other thing is although they just seem to arrive in stores earlier and earlier every year. I love parrot tulips and the very tall and elegant French tulips but even a bunch of regular grocery store tulips makes me giddy! I think with the regular variety the thing is to go for quantity over quality. So pretty! And as much as I love white tulips, the colours make me very happy right now. 





It´s starting to look more bright and spring like in my kitchen little by little and it is not a bad thing!

Have a great weekend!

Ilon aiheita tänään englanniksi, mutta hyvän viikonlopun toivotukset myös suomeksi. Oikein ihanaa viikonloppua, Runebergin päivää ja laskiaissunnuntaita! Torttureseptini löydät täältä.


p.s. A very happy thought was also getting one of my very best friends home from a long trip. It´s so much nicer to be on the same time zone. 

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10 comments on “ Happy thoughts „
malviina, on February 5, 2016

Hih, munkin varpaat tykkää lämmitellä toisten varpaiden kanssa mieluummin kuin sukkien :).

Sofia, on February 5, 2016

malviina, siellä on varpaiden hyvä olla! 🙂

Emma, on February 5, 2016

Ihana postaus! Näitä on ollut suorastaan ikävä!

Kaunista viikonloppua! <3

Sofia, on February 5, 2016

Kiitos kaunis ihana Emma ja sinulle myös!

Jonna, on February 5, 2016

Ihania onnenaiheita ja ihania juttuja:) Pystyykö noita W-S-tuotteita vieläkään tilaamaan Suomeen?

Sofia, on February 5, 2016

Kiitos Johanna. Saa niiltä tilattua Suomeen, paitsi ei ihan kaikkea ( esim. pesuaineita kun on varmaan standardit erit kuin EU´ssa). Postitukset menee muistaakseni painon mukaan, et valurautapannuja ei ehkä kandee tilata 😉 ja verot tulee tullissa päälle.

Eeva, on February 5, 2016

Hei! W&S on aivan ehdoton suosikkini 🙂 Edellisellä business tripillä taivuttelin meidän CFO:n Vancouverissa kanssani paikalliseen liikkeeseen, jotta pääsin itsekin piipahtamaan 😉 Vaikea arvata, kuka oli varannut sen illan ravintolan, joka oli ihan W&S:n naapurissa….

Mukavaa viikonloppua!


Sofia, on February 5, 2016

Ihana Eeva, voin niin kuvitella! 😀

Ita, on February 7, 2016

Such pretty gifts! Enjoy!

Sofia, on February 8, 2016

Thank you Ita <3

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