Bucket list
by Sofia - in Random
For the longest time in my life I have been the kind of person who lives in the moment and enjoys the little things and I have also been very aware and grateful for all the blessings I have been given in my life. But I have also always been a dreamer! Not so much yearning for more all the time but just a big time daydreamer. Most of my dreams are very doable and some have come to life with pure luck and some just remain these lovely things I can imagine perhaps someday coming true. Then there is the bucket list. I have not written it down anywhere but in my head there are a few things that top those daydreams and I hope to actually get to experience. And I can tell you that when those dreams come true and you are there pinching yourself it´s really amazing.
Even though I am a dreamer I´m also very realistic. I can imagine beautiful places but I ´m also aware that old houses sometimes have a mild mildewy scent or that hotel rooms don´t always look exactly like they do in the promotional pictures. If it´s windy a fabulous yacht still rocks in the sea. I know the most beautiful country houses in the archipelago have mosquitos and I know what it feels like to get sand in my shoes. But to me that is part of the whole thing. It´s what makes it real. It´s what makes pinching yourself unnecessary. And when you realise that, you are in for a whole new experience. It´s about enjoying your dream without the disappointment of it´s little reality flaws, so to speak.
This year, as I have perhaps said before, is a continuance for last year as I´m crossing more things of my bucket list. For the longest time life was filled with such high points of a humanbeing´s life. Engagements, weddings, babies, nieces, nephews and godchildren born. New houses and new careers for yourself and for the people you love. So at some point the bucket list was just there waiting and not needed. Every year had a new amazing life experience waiting. But then came the lull. And it was time to open the page of the bucket list. The kids are old enough to join you for the ride or if necessary they are also old enough to enjoy supplemental fun whilst you enjoy the list with your spouse or friends. Most of my bucket list things include travelling so it´s a very important point. For instance we really want to go to the safari with our children one year but we wanted to wait so that they are old enough to remember the experience their whole lives as it´s not a trip we plan to make many times.
One of the things on my bucket list has been staying in a castle in France or Italy with a bunch of our very best friends. We have spent more than a decade of midsummers sipping rosé wine and talking about our dream. And last midsummer we decided that now is the time. We came home, we found a castle ( we needed one that houses our group of 25) that has vineyards surrounding the area and booked our flights last August. We found ours in Italy. One of the things on our list was to have a pool for the kids ( we have 13 all together) and this one had it all. So on Wednesday we fly to Rome, rent cars from there and start our amazing journey towards Lombardia ( next to better known Tuscany on the map if you are looking for it). We have cooks there so for once midsummer is not about rotating turns on catering for our huge and partly very ” foodie” minded group ( which is also fun but sometimes it´s nice to not think about cooking and to just enjoy the food).

Travel in comfort
by Sofia - in Random
Usually for longer flights I like to dress the kids in comfy clothes, especially if it´s a night flight, leggings and t-shirts are it as they are basically as comfy as pj´s. On shorter day flights I´m more the dress up type. I´m not talking about party dresses but something nice and neat. Because lets´face it, I don´t get so many opportunities to dress our kids in pretty outfits anymore. And I would like to keep up some sort of an idea to my children that its´appropriate to dress up even just a little when out and about as opposed to the dirty sneakers and well worn caps they wear to school etc. Those are not for going out for coffee or say, travelling around Europe. You know what I mean.
This week we are flying to Rome and continuing by car from there ( more on that trip tomorrow). I was thinking on the lines of pretty floral dresses and cute sandals. But then we found these Livly outfits from Nona K that are so snazzy that even I think it´s a great travel outfit for them. The girls love these sorts of clothes. Cute print t- shirt and comfy pants with more prints on them. Often both are a bit of a no go for me. But this time I approve 100%. They look very much like fun, comfy and neat travel outfits to me. Or any kind of outfits really, but the prints on the t-shirts make them just right for travels.

Have a lovely weekend!
by Sofia - in Random
Hyvää viikonloppua ihanat! Tytöt lähtivät takaisin saareen. Me jäämme kaupunkiin juhlimaan toinen tyttökaverin nelikymppisiä ja toinen kaverin viiskymppisiä. Vastahan tässä juhlittiin kolmekymppisiä! Ihanalla fiiliksellä kuitenkin viikonloppua kohti, ensimmäinen lomaviikko oli rentouttava ja seuraavasta nautitaankin sitten pian Italian auringon alla ja viiniköynnösten varjossa.
Ihan muutama onnen aihekin tähän vielä…
Olen haaveillut tällaisesta kauniista lasisesta teepannusta jo iäisyyden kun näin sellaisen Pariisissa Mariage Frérésin myymälässä. Nyt saan nauttia iltateeni sihen haudutettuna. Rakastan tällaisia pieniä omia hetkiä joista saa tehtyä aivan erityisiä vaikkapa juuri kauniilla teepannulla ja hyvällä, huolellisesti haudutetulla teellä. Myös kaunis lasinen yhden kukan minivaasi on ollut harkinnassa pitkään ja kun ystäväni hankki sellaisen itselleen Lontoosta ja se näytti niin ihanalta hänen sohvapöydällään oli minunkin saatava se sitten vihdoin itselleni. Se istuu täydellisesti teetarjottimen lisäjsi kylpyammeen telineeseen tai lavuaarin reunalle.
Ihanaa oli myös saada super kivaa lounasseuraa sekä minulle, että tytöille ja ideoida tulevaisuuteen uusia juttuja!
Toivon viikonloppuusi aurinkoa, pinkkejä pioneita, kepeitä kuplia ja hulmuavia helmoja!