

by Sofia   -   in DIY projects

Onko teilläkin viime aikoina mietitty kivoja uusia askarteluprojekteja? Keräilen itselleni ideoita Pinterest kansioon josta aina välillä valitsemmekin tyttöjen kanssa jonkin pienen ja meidän taidoilla toteutettavissa olevan projektin. Tässä vähän linkkejä myös vanhoihin askarteluhommiin joita blogissani on ollut…

Here are some links to DIY projects I have had on the blog over the years. Most of them are in Finnish but the pictures tell more than enough and there are often links to English tutorials too…

Nämä pupunkorvat ovat ihan hirmuisen söpöt! / bunny ears


Pillikorujen valmistaminen on helppoa ja hauskaa puuhaa vähän pienemmillekin… / straw necklaces


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Coffee and friends

by Sofia   -   in Cooking  Party planning

My lovely friend was visiting from England with her adorable daughter. I was swamped with work last week ( everyone else seemed to be on their winter vacation skiing somewhere on the sunny Alps) but wanted to invite them over for some morning coffee and a lot of talking ( as we both get very excited about lovely little things). I did not manage to squeeze in any baking that week so I relied on some ready made cookies and just whipped up tomato and mozzarella sandwiches. I heated the ciabatta bread in the oven for a few minutes before cutting and assembling so it would be a little warm. All it really needs is some good quality olive oil, ripe tomatoes, buffala mozzarella and plenty of sweet basil leaves topped off with Maldon salt and black pepper. The cookies were just Italian cantuccini and amaretti cookies which I love dipped in coffee. So very simple and easy. Here are a few photos from our gathering if you would like to see…


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Happy Weekend

by Sofia   -   in Random


I´m wishing you a happy weekend! Mine will be spent mostly with the family. I think I see a pancake breakfast in our future and some board games too. Perhaps The Cupcake game. And a super easy dinner for Saturday night. The girls requested a picnic so I think hot dogs on the living room floor might just do the trick. But tonight we have a couples dinner. I love going out with friends. Usually we seem to separate our ways and go with just the girls or my husband with just the boys or if it´s a couples thing then the kids are involved so it´s so nice to actually have pre dinner drinks and a nice dinner with our friends. Just like the good old times before kids when Fridays seemed like a big deal! But we made plans a bit later so we can all be home to put the kids to bed first ( although our girls are so excited to have my parents come over they probably refuse to go to bed early…).

So I´m diving in to the weekend with plenty of happy thoughts in the hopes of attracting even more happiness to it. Starting at the gym then picking my kids up early and going for some coffee and pastries with a friend. Does it not sound like just the perfect thing to do? Macarons and cupcakes and cappuccinos never failed to make me happy!

Toivottelen sinulle iloista ja onnellista viikonloppua!


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