

by Sofia   -   in Random

Olipa kivaa pitää pieni tauko blogista, mutta täällä taas ollaan! Ensi alkuun muutama kuva Tukholman reissusta ja mutenkin parilta edelliseltä viikolta ( huomaathan, että klikkaamalla kuvaa muutaman kerran saat sen suurennettua näppärästi). Huomenna sitten pieni askartelujuttu tiedossa…

It was nice to take a little break from the blog. But now I´m back. I wanted to share a few photos from my phone from last week ( and maybe a few from a couple of weeks earlier too) before we continue here tomorrow with a DIY post. I hope you have a great start for the week!


( from left to right)

I had a girls dinner at my friend´s house a while back. I brought her a bunch on pink hydrangeas and our dessert, berry pavlovas that I wrapped in a box with pink silk bows and attached a cute “eat cake”-balloon on top. ♥ A little crafting thing happening here that Cotton Candy did, more about it tomorrow.   The girls painting at the night of the arts.  A hilarious little baking project to let you know not everything that goes on in my kitchen turns out quite right. I was making meringue nests for the pavlovas and as the girls wanted to participate in the baking I made them these lemon meringues so the could dip them in white chocolate and then sprinkles. We all know what these look like. There is an actual emoticon for these turds on my phone! But I will perfect this project and do it again with better results as it´s a great little baking to do with kids.   These pretty cherry brooches came with the mail from Singapore for the girls.  And you can see in the next photo they have been worn with a lot of love since! The candy bowl is for a little family movie night. I have a stash of candy from where these are from. Some of the candy is from last Easter and the girls last birthday party…   The girls wearing their new overalls and matching braids for daycare.  ♥ I stocked up on some supplies for the girls´ snack drawer like cupcake forms and stars and paper cups. For the first time ever Cotton Candy asked why it´s all in pink. Truly noted! The soft music box kangaroo is from Trousselier and it was a gift for the girls´ new baby cousin just born. I helped my friend a little with her daughter´s birthday party and got to make this cool candy bar. She brought all the candy from New York! ( And now I know from where!)  ♥ The girls were on the island with their daddy the previous weekend while I finished off some work before my holiday so I took the opportunity and tidied their room a little. The cousin´s present wrapped. This is a picture of our snack supply drawer. I organised it before the start of hobby season. One more pair of summer shoes were necessary as the girls´ feet grow constantly. These were from the Trotters sale.


We flew to Stockholm on the first Finnair flight out on Monday morning.  So we grabbed some coffee and fresh pain au chocolat & croissants for breakfast for the flight.  Stockholm was so nice and hot while we were there. On our first day we did a bit of shopping, walking around and went to a big playground to play for a long time. Playgrounds are fun where ever in the world you are but at their best when there is something you don´t find near your home.  On our first day we also stopped for coffee and pastries. This macaron, vanilla pastry cream and strawberry concoction was Cotton Candy´s.  A little shopping at Ladruée bien sur!  On our second day we went to Junibacken. The story train is amazing and they have built these amazing miniature landscapes there ( in the last photo is one of Ida on the flag pole from Emil of Lönneberg). The girls also visited Pippi´s house and rode her horse. ♥ Some bows for our friend who just turns one. ♥ On our last day we went to the Gamla Stan or Old Town where we were actually looking for a dollhouse miniature shop but could not find it. Oh the heartbreak! But we found an old fashioned candy shop instead and other little toy stores. 

Have a great start for the week!

Hyvää alkavaa viikkoa!




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4 comments on “ Lately „
hanneleh, on September 1, 2015

Hei. Voisitko tehdä jutun teidän kaappien järjestyksestä. kaipaisin erityisesti vinkkejä missä ja miten säilytätte kaikki tavarat ja miten pysyy järjestyksessä. =) Meillä tuppaa menemään aina kaikki laatikot ja kaapit äidin harmiksi epäjärjestykseen. Muutenkin organisoinnista vinkkejä tai juttua.

Sofia, on September 1, 2015

Kiitos juttuideasta hanneleh! Laitetaan tekeille.
Täältä voit näin alkuun katsoa vanhan jutun meidän tyttöjen vaatekaapista, täällä on vähän juttua kylppärin kaapeista ja tässä juttu mun jemmakaapista.

Täti Ruskea, on September 1, 2015

Oi, onpa teillä ollut monta kivaa juttua! Tulipas ikävä Tukholmaan 🙂 Viime käynnistä onkin jo vierähtänyt kaksi vuotta. Silloin käytiin mm. Junibackenilla. Oli pikkupojille ensimmäinen kerta, isojen kanssa ollaan käyty jo useammankin kerran. Aina yhtä kiva paikka ja “junamatka” kiehtoo aikuistakin. Itse tykkään myös siitä Junibackenin myymälästä. Minusta on ihanaa, kun jokaisesta satuhahmosta on koottu yhteen erilaisia tuotteita. Krabat on myös yksi suosikkilelukauppani Tukholman keskustassa. Pidän erityisesti roolivaatteista leluista, joita ei saa kaikkialta muualta.

Edellisen kommenttiin voisin lisätä vielä yhden toiveen: pyykkihuolto (yksi lempikotitöistäni), silityksestä muistan sinun jo joskus postanneenkin.

Sofia, on September 9, 2015

Täti Ruskea, laitetaan pyykkihuolto toiveaiheisiin talteen!

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